Chapter 68

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Overworked, the youth who woke up early in the morning had not recovered. After kissing the court, he continued to lie back and slept for a long time.

When he woke up, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

The man in the dormitory has not left yet, sitting with the crib to play with the child, if the big eyes are small, it is called playing.

This scene annoyed Wen Qiuxing, so he grabbed his messy hair, hurried up, ran into the bathroom with his slippers, and tidied himself up.

The days and nights of the early winter are long and short, and the time passes with a bang.

When Wen Qiuxing finished his meal and invited Feng Ting to take his baby out for a walk in the garden, it was close to the sun.

"It's beautiful." The Feng Ting said to the gradually appearing Mancai Caixia.

This is also the first time he enjoys the scenery in the palace calmly without any negative emotions.

"Well." Wen Qiu nodded awakely.

"What do you usually do with him?" Feng Ting asked coldly.

"Cough..." Wen Qiuxing almost didn't get choked by saliva, coughed and looked at him blushing: "Just those choking, three meals a day..."

Seriously, this situation is as embarrassing as the current girlfriend asking her boyfriend what you and your ex-girlfriend are doing...

Fortunately, Wen Qiuxing could withstand it.

"Is he good to the baby?" Feng Ting was worried. After all, the baby in his arms was not strictly a tyrant's child.

Qiuqiu's belly is now.

"It's good." Wen Qiuxing blurted out, turning back to think that this was not the standard answer, and said: "He is very dedicated, he was taking care of us while we were in the hospital."

I didn't have to say this, nor did Wen Qiuxing deliberately say good things to His Majesty Sand Eagle.

However, the man walking beside him raised his eyebrows, obviously not quite convinced.

It can only be said that the image of the tyrant is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Through more than ten years of experience and personal experience, the court has already determined that the other party has no human nature at all.

This deep-rooted impression cannot be changed substantially because of Wen Qiuxing's three words and two words.

So there is no fluctuation in his heart.

Wen Qiuxing is not blind: "I am telling the truth." He was particularly helpless, emphasizing: "Your Majesty has changed a lot now, and it is very good for me and my baby. I can hold him completely. You don't need to worry about this. "

If the other party dared to play tricks, well, it seems that he can't do anything.

In addition to taking the baby away, taking back the sentiment... The rest can only be destined.

Listening to the ears of the court, it felt uncomfortable. In order to appease him, the young partner dared to say such words.

Unfortunately, everyone knows that this is a gamble.

Cruel as the tyrant of the first protagonist, who in the universe can surely withstand him?

Anyway, the royal court had taught the brutality of the first personality, he beat him from the bottom of his heart.

But he still nodded with a smile, spending his time and energy between his companion and children, so he was very happy.

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Wen Qiuxing was afraid that the other party would be jealous, and quickly stopped the topic: "Tell me what you want to do recently?"

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