Chapter 33

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The sweet promise blurted out, with a faint sense of familiarity.

Wen Qiuxing shook his head, how could it be, brother so dedicated.

Seeing that the airship had stabilized, the uncomfortable feeling had completely disappeared. The curious young earthman in outer space stood up from Mr. Alien and walked to the slowly rising window.

Outside the window is a deep starry sky, completely different from the starry sky seen on the ground.

There is a sense of being there, as if accidentally swallowed into it.

Wen Qiuxing sighed, turned on the camera function of the light screen, and took a set of photos and some videos.

After each shooting, a line will prompt him to ask him whether to upload the work to his personal website.

Wen Qiuxing was stunned, personal website?

Think carefully, everyone here has a personal website of their own.

Xingwang even has personal website rankings, and selects a variety of personal spaces of interest each year.

It can be the most funny, the most amazing, the most beautiful and so on.

Wen Qiuxing, the original owner of this body, was just a small civilian. He didn't have the time and energy to dress up his internet façade, so there was nothing in it.

As a rough brother, Wen Qiuxing saw the facade of such a spicy chicken, did not want to say to go to the mall to buy something to decorate, just upload the pictures and videos of the starry sky that he had taken.

His aesthetics are still passable, and the carefully selected photos are very handy.

Put it on the earth, this is a hard to find HD wallpaper.

When the young man took the photo, the blond man with a big body sat lazily on the sofa, staring at the young man's back.

"Don't you watch?" Wen Qiuxing turned around, and the man's eyes changed.

"Watching." Feng Ting replied.

Wen Qiuxing followed the angle of the court and looked down at his body, then turned around and digged the groove. The dog man just looked at his fart.

Although he knows that his farts are beautiful, putting on tailored clothes can dominate the **** circle, ahh.

Tianma Xingxiang thought, he didn't even realize that the court had come to him.

"It doesn't look good here, there will be a nebula later." Feng Ting's voice approached, covering a younger person shorter than him from behind.

"How do you remember so clearly?" Wen Qiuxing lifted the hidden light screen and showed him the picture he just took: "How?"

"Very ordinary." Photographer Feng Da didn't comment on his face.

Wen Qiuxing squandered green muscles and immediately said, "Shut up for Lao Tzu."

But the other party was right, and a fairy nebula appeared in this area in a moment. Seeing Qiu Xing wake up and down, he quickly took the picture.

By the way, replace the pictures posted before, and upload this group of exciting works.

There are still relatively few people who can go to space this year, and even if you go up, you can’t just walk around, because some of the star fields are private territory.

For example, this star field shot by Wen Qiuxing is the official territory of the first main star.

As an undeveloped star field, there are certain dangers and privacy, so ordinary citizens are not allowed to enter.

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