Chapter 49

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Inner Mongolian brother who was hungry all morning, went out to open the door, thinking that the other party should bring him breakfast.

"Huh, right." Wen Qiuxing scratched his head. If it was Will outside the door, could he just enter the door opening code and come in?

There is no need to ring the doorbell at all.

Thinking of not Will, he was disappointed.

He opened the door directly without expression, but turned around and saw a familiar face when he opened the door.

It’s not just the man who has been nagging all morning!

finally come back.

"Where the **** did you go in the morning?" Wen Qiuxing said, unable to hold back and hugged the other party: "It made me worried about death."

Then look at the other person's empty hands: "Fuck, you won't bring me a breakfast when you come back!"

Or are you eating it now!

His majesty, who was hugged and complained, was slightly startled and felt... Little Sweetheart's reaction seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined.

As far as he knows, it is now mid-March. How can I say that it is more than a month apart from Little Sweetheart?

"Worried all morning?" Feng Ting narrowed his eyes and repeated the key sentence.

"Yeah." Wen Qiuxing said: "I woke up and found that you were gone." Then: "Hey, did you remove the disguise?"

Wen Qiuxing was only free to pay attention to the fact that the court removed the camouflage. He thought, where did he go to pretend?

The court did not answer.

"Captain Yi Yang?" Wen Qiuxing Yu Guang saw a straight figure, stunned, thought he understood the truth of the matter.

"Your Majesty." Captain Yi Yang stood out from behind the king to salute.

"You come in first." Wen Qiuxing nodded to Brother Bing, reached out and dragged the Feng Ting into the house, and then told Brother Bing: "Captain Yi Yang, you are not needed here, why should you go."

He knows best that Will fights to disguise himself as a king from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes." Captain Yi Yang glanced at His Majesty without objection, and left.

Wen Qiuxing immediately closed the door and looked back at the blonde man with the camouflage removed. The other party was still wearing the thin windbreaker he selected himself, still a very gentleman's light gray, with black trousers, and his legs appeared straight. Tall and charming.

Once the shirt inside changed from normal to normal, unlike the strict abstinence in the past, there were not many buttons directly.

It is estimated that this is done in order to meet the tyrannical and arbitrariness of the king.

Wen Qiuxing stepped forward to tie a wildly open neckline for the man: "Captain Yi Yang discovered your identity?"

His majesty, an embarrassed king, narrowed his eyes, and was a little uncertain that his sweetheart was talking to him.

"Well." Without knowing the situation, he responded casually.

"Where did you meet?" Wen Qiuxing pondered, which was related to the other party's outing early in the morning.

The emperor was silent and silent.

"What are you doing?" Wen Qiuxing photographed the silly standing person: "Will?"

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