Extra 7 : His Majesty Quiqui X

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Anyway, there are too many shocking things happening recently, and now the other party is told that the other party is the king of a planet, it seems to be justified.

Wen Qiuxing, based on the preconceived impression, was not in awe when he got the answer, but an excitement to know the big guys.

"What is Tun?" the king asked.

Facts have proved that the difference between the two planets can be communicated completely without barriers without language.

Simply put, the birth background of the two people is different, and they are destined to have no common topic.

For example, Wen Qiuxing excitedly grabbed the hand of the big brother, just want to hug a golden thigh, and later eat spicy and spicy.

Fuck the Taobao shop owner. If it’s not hard to find a job and pay low wages, who loves to do that

"Don't worry about this, I'm talking nonsense." Wen Qiuxing couldn't be more excited: "How long will it take to reach your planet?"

"It's already here."

Wen Qiu awakened for a moment, and then the other party shook his hand. He found that he had been holding the hand of others: "Sorry." He quickly loosened, but felt that the other party intentionally or unintentionally tickled his palm, making people feel. itch.

Isn't it self-confessed by yourself?

Wen Qiu thought, retracting his fingers and sneaking on the clothes.

How to say, the alien who proves to be amazing, Wen Qiuxing did not treat the other person as a common homosexual from the beginning, otherwise he would not be so kind, and he would eat dinner and buy clothes.

Thinking of this, people on earth would like to slap themselves.

How are you so realistic?

Not ashamed?

It's good to see people and parents. Now that I have such a king's identity, my heart drifts away and I regard people as girls.

Don't look at whether others need...


When Wen Qiuxing ridiculed himself, a set of neat clothes was put in his hand, and he looked up to face a pair of deep eyes. It was very beautiful, but there was a feeling of...discharging towards him.

"It would be nice if you were a girl." Wen Qiuxing's voice was regretful, and he said plastic mandarin that the other party could not understand.

The king frowned, but in the end he said nothing, but urged slightly: "Quick change."

Wen Qiuxing stunned, it seems that this guy is watching him change clothes!

Seriously, Wen Qiuxing doesn't reject it, as long as the other person doesn't feel spicy eyes, he really doesn't matter.

So he looked at each other and Wen Qiuxing undressed neatly. Standing on the bed, he had two straight legs, and he lifted up with great care, putting on the suit given by the court.

The whole journey is only two minutes, which can be said to be very fast.

"Let's go." When Wen Qiuwake jumped out of bed and greeted the king to leave, the king was still immersed in the color of the white flowers and flowers, and... he saw such a delicate appearance for the first time, oh no, except the person in front of him, He has never seen anyone else.

Do not like it, nor disdain.

Even though there are few people in the world who have seen the world before, they had the brain to make up for the high-tech planet.

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