Chapter 47

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In Wen Qiuxing's two short lives, he never did a job.

This time, I will start a small business at the point of view. One is to satisfy my appetite, and the other is to find something to do.

Otherwise, if you're full, you'll do it, and the meaning of life seems to be that you can only shoot at that mouth.

Fortunately, the famous snacks of the motherland are simple to operate.

Just renovate the shop, buy a full range of tools, and buy some Shuijun online marketing, you can open the shop.

But Wen Qiuxing didn't do it himself, he hired three people for money.

The decoration of high-end facades, fresh and friendly ingredients, cooking methods that have never been seen, and free trial eating on the first day of opening attracted many guests.

As a result, the team lined up directly on the street on the opening day.

However, people feel that if they don’t eat in vain, they may not come after the free period.

Wen Qiuxing was rich and self-willed. With a loss-and-loss attitude, he extended the period of free food to three days.

After that, the guests who feel delicious will come to the door one after another to save the boss's turnover.

After the free period, the business was so sloppy, but it was still decent.

This is Wen Qiuxing's standard. After all, he spent so much money to decorate the rental shop, etc., and naturally he can't look down on the turnover of the past few days.

But in fact it is already very good.

There are people in Lianxing Online who have altruistic stores, and they have the potential of online celebrities.

Wen Qiuxing knew that his face was eye-catching and generally rarely appeared in the store, unless he cut the ribbon on the first day of opening and exposed his face with sunglasses.

There are more or less Reuters pictures on the Star Online, all of which he looks like with sunglasses on.

At this time, the weather in early spring was not too warm, and he could not see that he was holding his stomach in thick clothes.

However, people familiar with ‘Wen Qiuxing’ recognized his identity through photos.

For example, Miller, who works for a nearby lawyer, recognized at a glance that the youth in the photo was the young apprentice he had taken for half a year last year.

However, due to some misunderstandings, the other party left the lawyer's office, and blackened his contact information.

At this time, Miller didn't know about Wen Qiuxing's marriage into the royal family. After all, even if the royal official announced it, he did not release a clear picture.

There are so many people in the whole empire, and there are many people with the same name.

After Miller got off work, he bought a bunch of white gladiolus downstairs and took the suspension car to the address announced by Xingwang.

Inside the glass window, a young man in a sitting posture, stepped on the chair next door, supported one hand on his knee, and buried his head to eat well.

"Well...this is delicious." The young man in a sitting position is Wen Qiuxing.

Greedy, come over to eat.

Inner Mongolian brother who hurt her husband, picked up a piece of lamb and sent it to the mouth of the court who ate Xiangsiwen.

With regard to the fact that the little partner likes to eat animal offal, the court has gone from unbelievable to the usual attitude: "Thank you." The man opened his mouth, ate the good things the little partner gave him, and said something delicious.

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