Extra 13 : Lu Li X first time

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The first love that I haven't seen in seven years. People, even after they met, it turned out to be the case. Lu Li was also dumbfounded and touched his face. Even if Joyce really hates his mature age, he should not say such a heavy word.

After all, when they were good, Joyce treated him well, and never gave him a look.

Even if it was a tacit breakup later, the other party also gave him a breakup gift, wishing him a bright future.

"Sorry." Lu Li said.

In fact, he is not the one who has the roots, but Joyce has a different meaning in his heart. He hopes to talk frankly: "Cough, I always want to ask, why do you suddenly hate me?"

Joyce gripped the finger of the cup tightly and glanced at the handsome young man: "I suddenly hate you?" Does that mean now? Isn’t it annoying: "Even if you don't like me anymore, I don't want to see your fake face."

"I don't like you?" Lu Li tilted his head, his expression a little dazed.

"Isn't it?" Joyce took a sip and his face was always stinky: "Don't tell me, you suddenly think of me because you suddenly find you love me."

He also snorted.

This logic is fine, and Lu Li is speechless. He suddenly contacted Joyce, not because he suddenly found himself loving Joyce.

But he did not understand: "Why did you agree?"

You know, Joyce is the richest man in the world, and many people want to marry him.

Joyce was silent for a while, and his dark eyes floated aimlessly, shaking the ice water in his hand: "It doesn't matter, I can't have someone I like anyway."

It turns out so.

Lu Li finally understood that he was also a person whom Joyce did not exclude, but did not like much: "Oh, like this." He picked up the glass and sipped gently: "Cough." But it choked.

Joyce looked at the coughing first love immediately, his eyes a little flustered.

But he didn't do anything until Lu Li returned to normal and said sorry to him. He looked away with a stinky face and was bitter in his heart.

Maybe he should no longer accept Lu Li's provocation, so that he can do research happily.

"Honestly tell you." Lu Li said: "I suddenly contacted you for a different purpose."

Joyce: "..."

"I need a marriage partner. It's only you who suits you most." Executive Lu smiled and used a silver fork to fork a blueberry, tasted the taste of blueberry, it was a bit sweet and sour.

"What do you mean?" Joyce murmured.

"It literally means." Lu Li wiped his hands: "If you think it is unacceptable, you can also dissolve the marriage relationship. After all, I am really too impulsive to think so much."

And His Majesty did not give him much time, only a week to tell him how to find it.

"Then you worry too much." Joyce pulled the neck tightly, and his temper was very exposed: "I don't care who I am married to."

Lu Li froze for a moment, sighing inwardly, but he didn't know what to say.

Maybe Joyce has also changed in these seven years. There are some things that the other party does not say that he does not know at all, so he is not qualified to speculate about what the other party encountered.


Next is the meal time, the gentlemen of two nobles eat in silence, the process of zero communication.

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