Chapter 10

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In view of the fact that the court has always been so reticent, except for the necessary communication, the two sides basically did not have too much gossip. As a result, Wen Qiuxing did not notice anything wrong with him.

What's more, this kind of thing happened today, and no one is in the mood to do that kind of thing.

Naturally, after returning home, I fell asleep.

When the sun sets and the sun goes down, the young man who wakes up full of energy raises his red-stained face and kicks the man next to him: "Will, do you finish your meal or finish your meal?"

This is a shameless question, and it's a shameless man.

The man who had already awakened, trembling with the youth's sway, but lying there motionlessly, without saying: "..."

Thinking that Will hadn't woken up yet, Wen Qiuxing quickly raised his foot again, and magically ticked the other party's unspeakable place: "Brother, get up."

Almost at the same time, a strong hand grasped Wen Qiuxing's spoiled ankle, and after patiently detaining it for a few seconds, he still carefully put it back to the bed.

Then the dumb and mature male voice of Feng Ting sounded in the room: "You are hungry."

This is what it means to do it after eating. Wen Qiuxing easily got it, and indisputably agreed: "Okay, let's eat first."

Sure enough, the mood is good!

Not even thinking of making a man with Will in a while!

During this period, Wen Qiuxing turned over and went out of bed, pouring a glass of water outside.

The young man with disheveled hair was drinking water while holding a drinking glass, while standing in the living room frequently changing stations with the remote control, and the faint blue light emitted from the light screen reflected on his delicate eyebrow face, which was particularly attractive.

Especially wearing soft and comfortable home clothes, and because of a rough temperament, he did not care about showing off most of his shoulders and too low trousers to cause the leakage of the mermaid line.

"Huh, why is it all news hookups?" Wen Qiu waken up unhappy, then threw the remote control, took off his shirt and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The man who didn’t know who lived with him always stared at him silently, and there was indescribable loneliness hidden in his eyes.

"I rely on..." Wen Qiuxing stood under the shower and washed the flesh, washing and washing, and suddenly thought that he was the third sex, wouldn't it be oolong?

Obviously he looks like a normal pure man.

If you make a mistake, let's not roll the sheets for three months, and you can't get pregnant for three years!

The young man who is struggling in his heart, quickly called up the light screen and searched online. Will the hospital confuse the gender of the newborn?

As a result, Wen Qiuxing saw that there are really examples of oolongs who mistaken the gender of the newborn in the hospital...

But the chance is very small, he shouldn't be the lucky one that the blind cat touches the dead mouse.

The whimsical young man put away the light screen again and continued bathing.

Rather than praying for miracles to come to heaven, it would be more practical to have a full meal and Willdo roll the sheets twice.

Like the other party said, maybe today is a good day.

When Wen Qiu wakes up with this idea in his head, he laughs with self-deprecation. Oh, I'm really a civet cat with super adaptability like Xiao Qiang.

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