Chapter 19

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To say that Wen Qiuxing hated what he hated most in his life, he hated being treated as an old, weak and sick person, whether it was over-careful care or careless care, it would make him goose bumps.

Two men, especially two men who were tall and pulled out to scare people to death, engaged in this kind of Sao operation, really made him want to raise his arms and slap Will on the face!

But he couldn't really fight against Will's handsome face.

This fully illustrates the fact that Yan is justice, and is common to both men and women.

"Okay, let you come!" Wen Qiuxing lay back.

Even though his face was impatient, he still talked with his temper: "I'm hungry and people will give me something to eat."

"Okay." The court poured a glass of moderate temperature water to the grumpy little partner, and then quickly contacted Bruce.

Bruce said he had already asked someone to prepare, and immediately delivered some food suitable for Mr. Wen.

The dishes delivered in a while are obviously different from the big fish before.

Wen Qiuxing didn't pay much attention in the beginning, but after eating seven or eight minutes, she found that today's taste is so light?

There is also a strange bowl of milky stew. He was a bit full and didn't want to eat it, but Will always advised him to eat it.

"What is this?" Wen Qiuxing asked.

"...Dessert." Feng Ting said.

"You are less fooled by me." Wen Qiuxing sneered.

"..." The man who had been dismantled pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Is it medicine?" Wen Qiu waked up and smelled: "I'm weird. I wasn't just exhausted and fainted for a while. Are you worried about this? I don't want face-saving?"

Mr. Alien: "..."

Mr. Alien was confused, and did not understand what this had to do with face.

If you are talking about horse racing, the little partner won the princess very well, right?

In Feng Ting's mind, the scene where the young man smiled at him on horseback was still warm in his heart.

"Well..." He also gave him a kiss in front of many people...

"Stop your fantasies about me immediately." Wen Qiuxing ordered.

"..." Feng Ting's face was reddish, cutting off his memories.

"Really." Wen Qiuxing said, "I'm not as vulnerable as you think."

But obviously, the other party did not think so.

"But you fainted." Feng Ting said: "I am very worried about you."

"Is it necessary?" Wen Qiuxing said, "I'm annoying you like this."

The court shut up.

It is in line with Wen Qiuxing's intention.

"I want to eat this?" he said again.

"Well." Feng Ting nodded.

Wen Qiuxing stiffened his hair and took a few sips while looking up at the royal court. It turned out to be so sweet...greasy.

"Cough cough." Wen Qiuxing reached out for clean water, and was already stuffed with a cup when he recovered...

"Drink." Feng Ting looked at him.

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