Chapter 21

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Although it was only a quiet whisper, Princess Kou Yin was so powerful that she really heard the word ‘love’ clearly.


She played with it, revealing a nonchalant look.

"You are such a special person." Princess Coyne said.

Was mocked by the aborigines, Wen Qiu waken up unexpectedly: "...I just talk about it casually." Then touched his nose, shifting the topic: "How far is it?"

"Not far, just in front." Princess Coyne said.

Then she walked all the way to her collection room...the entrance turned out to be a fireplace, which was kind of interesting.

It's not so much a collection room as a basement. The whole is full of a sense of history, which makes Wen Qiuxing, a little-known person on earth, interested.

The narrow staircase suddenly became cheerful, with a stone statue at the forefront and a sword inlaid with gemstones on his hand.

"This is the great sword left by my father Lei Ling. Only the royal blood can pull it out..."

It didn't take long for Princess Koyin to say what she said. Wen Qiuxing saw a flash of cold light, and the sword was pulled out and lost.

He was so scared that he let go of his hand quickly, and then looked at Princess Coyne walking in front with a guilty conscience, and was relieved to find that the other party did not pay attention to him.

Otherwise, he would become a sinner who broke the royal faith.

According to the pride of Princess Coyne, it is estimated that he will be thrown out of the manor directly.

Next, I saw a lot of princesses' collections, and there are many kinds of jewels and precious treasures. Among them, the most are weapons and armor, etc. It is worthy of being the imperial princess from the battlefield.

But the times have developed rapidly, and some things more than 100 years ago have fallen behind.

The desolation, pride and honour of Princess Coyne is estimated to be reflected only in the collections in this room.

"The princess's life is wonderful." Wen Qiuxing found out that he was an easy-hearted person. When he saw the sad look of the old aunt, she closed her mouth: "You are a unique imperial princess."

"Does this require your approval?" Princess Kou Yin's tone was proud.

"..." There was no way to chat on this day.

"Try this." The princess picked up a gun with a bulky shape and clicked on it: "The ephemeris was made in 1712, the first small cannon in the universe."

"Me?" Wen Qiu swallowed, glaring at the gun nervously.

"It's heavy." Princess Coyne said.

It is indeed very heavy. Wen Qiuxing needs two hands to hold it together, and he just saw the princess being loaded, and was afraid that he might escape.

"You can rest assured, there are no bullets in it." Princess Coyne ticked her lips.


Wen Qiuxing instantly decided that in the future, the old aunt wouldn’t comfort him anymore.

On the other side, Elio led the court to Princess Coyne's collection room. The young earl, who had always been very quiet, said: "Great grandmother and your partner get along well."

"Well." Feng Ting nodded.

The little partner's appreciation and protection from Her Royal Highness is the result of his deliberate thoughts.

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