Chapter 35

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Wen Qiuxing was about to go to sleep and received a reply from the expedition king of M16. The whole person was embarrassed, back: Are you here?

I came back and found out that he was a wife who greeted her husband on a business trip. What kind of stuff? ?

Wen Qiuxing immediately issued another sentence: no need to return to me, concentrate on fighting.

If this product is distracted by the indulgence of sending messages, he will be a sinner forever.

However, after a while, a video call came over to him.

Wen Qiuxing thought to himself that it should be still on the battleship, without affecting the combat, so he opened it.

After the video was switched on, the first frame of the earth’s youth was not the angelic beauty of the king’s royal court, but the first vision of eating chicken live broadcast. Bah, the first vision of a fighter in the sky to avoid the rain of guns, bullets and rain!


His Majesty the King is broadcasting the battle scene to him, so exciting.

The Earth Youth immediately sat up from the bed and stared attentively at the screen, both wanting to speak and fearing to affect the men in battle.

I saw that the vision of the fighter plane was rotating back and forth in the air, sometimes 180 degrees, sometimes 360 degrees. The young people who watched the video were dizzy and could not keep up with the rhythm!


In front of the current fighter, after the blue flame disappeared, a layer of white fog with low visibility was left behind.

The youth of the earth can vaguely see the so-called alien creatures in the white mist. They are huge, shelled, and crawl on all four feet. The first reaction in the mind of the youth is: "This thing seems to be eatable."

The man who controls the fighter, because the sweetheart whispered, caused his hand to shake, feeling very incredible: "Did you not eat dinner?"

It’s His Majesty’s voice. When you don’t look at your face when you listen to it, it’s really sexual. You don’t want to feel too much. Of course, looking at the face is also very handsome, but it makes people want to beat...

"Cough." Wen Qiuxing wiped his nose. "No appetite."

Don't know what to think there, snorted coldly.

The young man sighed, "I am restless when you are not around."

The court still said nothing.

"Baby?" Wen Qiu woke with a shy face.

"Well." Feng Ting ignored him, while calmly maneuvering the fighter, through a layer of white fog that disturbed his sight, and came behind an alien creature to attack.

Two tubes with white light shells were fired continuously from the bottom of the fighter.

That sound sounds like a continuous hit in a game, and it sounds like Wen Qiuxing is boiling blood!

Suddenly, he wanted to see what his majesty sand sculpture looked like in battle.

Wen Qiu waked up thinking that he must be handsome and awkward.

Fart. Alien creatures that eat cannons, with incredible agility, turn their huge bodies, and the fighter plane facing the court is a blaze of flame.

To make matters worse, several big guys with shells in the vicinity seem to perceive this fighter plane that has penetrated behind the enemy, and have besieged them one after another.

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