Chapter 45

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Recognizing the strange man next to Her Majesty the Queen, it was their missing King, the adjutant Morris blurted out in shock and closed his mouth in horror.

Because he was not stupid, since His Majesty appeared with a completely strange face, he naturally didn’t want to be recognized as his true identity. He thought so, so he started talking again when everyone hadn’t responded yet: " Since His Majesty has already decided, then his subordinates...wait for the good news..."

Really dying.

Apart from this sentence Morris didn't know what else to say.

The face in the carriage was completely strange... Previously he was scolded by him as a wild man... Your majesty, he had no courage to look up.

The people around felt that Morris, the adjutant who had just been just now, was inexplicably insulted, with no momentum.

But I don't know what happened.

Wen Qiuxing was stunned by everything in front of him. He couldn't help looking straight at the man who was pretending to be a grumpy face beside him. It was indeed pretended, but he pretended not to be inconsistent.

He thought to himself, what does this mean?

It means that he likes two personalities at the same time.

Actually think about it, in addition to the stubbornness of personality and personality itself, in the eyes of outsiders, can you really treat a person with split personality as two completely independent people?

No matter who can, Wen Qiuxing feels that he cannot.

He is really not a kind of warm man with delicate feelings, nor a literary young man who has the patience and object to watch the stars and the moon and talk about life by the way. He is just a rough man from Inner Mongolia.

It’s hard to accept that the one who wakes up in autumn is my lover, and the other guys who wake up in the three seasons are not my lover. Could it be crazy to practice it?

The door of the suspension car was slowly closed in front of the low eyes of the adjutant Morris, until the two His Majesty took the car away, and he was frightened, and he took a long sigh of relief.

The streets that had been completely blocked just now resumed traffic within a few minutes.

Captain Yi Yang, who is not very familiar with His Majesty the King, raised his eyebrows and looked at the adjutant Morris: "Who is that?"

I saw the lieutenant Morris stunned, then shook his head slightly falsely: "I don't know."

The face paralyzed soldier brother who had noticed something suddenly changed his eyes, and then regained his usual indifference style.

When the door is closed, the elegant man with dark hair and blue eyes removes the powerful aura to scare people, and instantly becomes calm and dignified. It can be said that there is no trace of PS.

But having to use the deterrent force of the tyrant to leave this matter seems to make Feng Ting grudge and unacceptable.

An hour ago, he cuddled and cuddled his little partner, saying that they were not the same person, but so quickly staged a play of COS each other.

The fact is really painful.

"You..." Wen Qiuxing wanted to say it, but he was afraid that Will would cry and show him.

"What?" The Feng Ting looked puzzled. "Do you like that just now?"

Wen Qiuxing was speechless.

It's not that he said that the two personalities' rejection of each other is really overwhelming and unabashed.

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