Chapter 14

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Although this is unbelievable, the reality is that, from civilians to nobles, no one thinks that the king's court is an ideal marriage partner.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people want to benefit from marriage with the royal family.

It’s just that anyone with a brain knows that sending their children in is tantamount to giving them a head.

As a 47-year-old monarch who has no marriage or lover, the marriage of the court has always been a worry for cabinet ministers.

The nobles seemed unwilling to send their daughters or sons to the tyrant to live a life of panic.

In this way, their monarch of the country has entered the ranks of the remaining men in the "big boss", and it is difficult to match.

To return to the truth, when Wen Qiuxing saw that the civilian area leading to the main city area had to pass through layers of inspection, she was surprised.

As the suspension vehicle entered the boundary of the main urban area through the magnificent, full-tech entrance, Wen Qiuxing saw the most sci-fi scene he had seen in his life.

Surrounded by high-rise buildings and green plants, the space is used quite magically, as if entering a different-dimensional space.

Suspension vehicles fly at high speed on specific tracks in the air, and there are airships in the mid-air in the distance. That is a more advanced travel tool than suspension vehicles. Generally speaking, only nobles use them.

In short, it is very different from the civilian area, which can be regarded as a picture of the interstellar era that is more in line with imagination.

It is said that there is a more advanced area than the main city, Wangcheng.

I don't know what it will look like, Wen Qiuxing thought wildly.

"This is a working area, and many people work here." When the Feng Ting came out of the Wangcheng before, he always wandered aimlessly everywhere, and he was still familiar with all places.

Seeing Wen Qiuxing looking out the window with curiosity, he explained it to him.

"Is it state-owned?" Wen Qiuxing asked.

"No, private." Feng Ting said.

In fact, except for the energy stone, weapons, medical equipment, and medical treatment, the rest of the empire did not interfere much.

The main state-owned institutions are all located in Wangcheng, while the main urban area mainly gathers merchants and most nobles.

Therefore, the entertainment industry here is especially developed. Simply put, it is a paradise for the rich.

Wine, food, gambling. Bo, a variety of pastimes, as long as you have money, you can buy all the entertainment you want in the main city.

Including some absurdity that can't be put on the table, no one intervenes in private transactions.

For example, slaves, this has always been the favorite of nobles.

The slaves mentioned here are of course not limited to humans, but also alien creatures.

Some alien creatures have IQs that are no different from humans, except that in the vast universe, they are backward in civilization and belong to vulnerable groups ruled by humans.

After these planets were ruled, the aborigines on the home planet could only be reduced to second-class citizens, and even were blatantly sold to slaves and noblemen.

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