Chapter 34

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Just now, the Feng Ting’s personal terminal received information about Wen Qiuxing. After all, he just named Lu Li to send him the personal information of Qiu Xingxing. Therefore, Lu Li acted on the order and did not arbitrarily treat the other. Send a copy to the king.

Feng Ting just glanced at the words "married and pregnant" in front of the information, and he felt anger, a headache, and he wished to lift the table.

The head, which had been sore in the first place, because of the influence of this wave of anger, soon made the eyes of the court imprisoned and bloodshot.

Now he knows, it turns out that the other party does not accept his proposal, it is not a **** at all, but playing with him, he does not love him at all.

What knows him is false sweet talk.

What kind of temperament the Feng Ting is, he has a very bad temper, and has no affection for anyone.

It was only afterwards that he met a young man who made him comfortable both physically and mentally, then he became different from the other.

In essence, the court is still a tyrant who has abandoned positive emotions and is frightening.

Along the way, I met the king's staff and maid, and they saw that His Majesty was moving angrily, and everyone almost subconsciously hid themselves so as not to be treated as a punching bag.

On the way, the angry king ordered Lu Li to grind his teeth: "Give me the information of the wild man."

He wanted to see what kind of person he was, and he could hold the young man's heart firmly.

So that the other party did not hesitate to refuse his proposal.

"Yes." Lu Lizhen trembled and sent the information.

And sighed, His Majesty is still His Majesty, and absolutely can't bear anyone daring to cheat him like this...

Executive Lu thought of this place shivered and prayed that he should never be implicated.

But he still sympathizes with the Mr. Wen, but it is a dead body, two lives, no, three in a family!

What a pity!

Feng Ting received the information from the wild man and immediately opened it without hesitation. When he saw the color one-inch photo on the information, his gray-blue eyes narrowed fiercely!

Because I have to admit that this man's facial features are handsome and his temperament is outstanding, maybe he still has a good figure.

It was this wild man who married his beloved youth, and made his beloved youth pregnant with children...

The monarch was about to have a headache, and his head was about to explode. As soon as he thought about this, he could not wait to pull this wild man out and shoot him down!

At his speed, he drove all the way, and soon reached the door of the bedroom.

One second before the man kicked the door, he subconsciously hesitated for a moment, because suddenly he remembered that the one inside was still asleep when he left. If one foot went down to wake up, maybe it was a slap and wait...

Thinking about it, Feng Ting's face suddenly looked hard!

Now he came to Xingshi to ask sin, didn't he, why should he worry about waking up the other party?


Feng Ting kicked the door open with a kick, a military uniform and boots, a gun hanging around his waist, full of grief, and pulled out the gun and came in.

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