Chapter 65

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There are two reasons why good news will be announced on this occasion.

One is because people are happy to see the advent of new life, let alone the royal family with few heirs. The second is obvious, Wen Qiu wakes up happy.

To know that Huai Er Cui means to him not only the arrival of the new students, but also a matter that hangs in my heart, and finally will soon enter the stage of settlement.

So Wen Qiuxing was certainly very happy.

As soon as you are happy, the news of pregnancy is made public.

After he finished the news of his pregnancy, all the teachers and students who had been called clamor suddenly had a strange silence, unified as if they had been pressed by the freeze button.

In the face of these dumb people, Wen Qiuxing was also a little bit excited. If she was pregnant for the first time, the excitement was mixed with the ease of completing the task, then the arrival of the two cubs was entirely out of the desire to have one more child.

Understand that everyone is a little unbelievable, and the young and handsome Queen Her Majesty once again smiled and said: "Yes, I am pregnant, just received the news."

Everyone looked at this majestic majesty with a little bad temperament, and only felt that the moment of announcing the child was really handsome.


As the crowd applauded for the first time, the applause of the scene sounded like thunder, frequently mixed with sweet whistles and cheers.

Everyone's face was filled with a bright smile, and they could see that they were full of heartfelt joy for the arrival of His Highness.

Wen Qiuxing turned around and glanced at the champion brother who had just hugged him for a while, and apologized when the applause cooled down a little bit: "Today should belong to your day, and all our classmates who won the prize." He smiled back. For a moment, I found that everyone looked at him, but it didn't matter if he didn't write on his face: "But it seems that the children want to share this honor with you."


The applause and applause this time turned into prize-winning freshmen. To be honest, they don’t mind bundling with His Highness II. This will be a double happiness for the unprecedented and the uncommon.

However, according to the laws of the royal family, 90% of this queen's belly is a princess.

The emperor's court who sat in the dormitory and took the baby while watching the live video: "..."

Feng Ting looked intently, staring at the shining partner in the video, some of them couldn't come back.


Ten seconds later, His Royal Highness changed hands, His Majesty the King quickly went to the apron, and drove away the fastest airship this year.

pregnancy! !

The man in the cab grabbed his hair, his face appeared happy and surprised, and he was full of complicated expressions, and it was enough to be twisted when mixed together.

However, this does not affect the embarrassing beauty of the king. At least when Wen Qiuxing returned to the lounge to receive video communications, he daily lamented the beauty of the king.

"Hi." Seeing that the background behind the court was the cab, Wen Qiuxing knew it. I was afraid he would not come to him.

In the face of Wen Qiuxing who was like no one else, His Majesty repeated the inhalation and exhalation, several times: "Wait for me there, don't run around."

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