Extra 12 : Lu Li X first love

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In the first two years when I became an executive officer, Lu Li's life was often tense, and the reason is well-known, that is, the executive scrap rate is too high.

As a young man born in a noble family, Lu Li, who is only 23 years old, why can't think of going to the palace as an executive officer, can only say a lot of things involuntarily.

Although he bears the name of the nobility, in fact the family has been somewhat depressed.

As the eldest son of Lu Li’s eldest brother, his parents had high hopes for him.

Lu Li, the royal executive’s life-threatening task, knew very well that he had no choice but to take the initiative.

But in fact his father gave him a second way, marriage.

It is said that a prominent person in the family took a fancy to him at that time, and did not mind whether he could have children.

It is a pity that Lu Li is a stubborn and cold character, preferring to go to the royal palace as a hob meat rather than accepting marriage.

So he entered the palace.

In the first year or two, it was indeed trembling, and I was worried about the landing of my head every day, but later the peak turned around, and the cruel character His Majesty married.

Since then, the king has become like a different person.

Not only did he lose his temper, he also obeyed His Majesty the Queen.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for those on duty in the palace.

Despite the twists and turns between Her Majesty and the Queen, fortunately it ended in a happy ending, and even a lovely little prince.

Then the question came.

As a young and handsome male executive, Lu Li found that His Majesty the King would eat the vinegar of his and His Majesty...

Eh, just a few words of laughter. His Majesty the King immediately introduced him to the object, which was something Lu Li could not dare to think about.


This word is too strange for Lu Li.

In the past two years, the affairs of the royal palace have occupied Lu Li's life. Seeing that his work is getting smoother, His Majesty and His Majesty have become more and more dependent on him. Unsurprisingly, he will be served by His Majesty the Crown Prince in the future.

What kind of honor is this?

In short, the attitude at home suddenly changed. Those relatives and friends who did not pay attention to Lu Li seemed to be familiar with him overnight. They contacted him one after another.

Lu Li only smiled at this, when he was only 25 years old, he felt that his mentality was already an old man.

He was not arrogant, he didn't fight, he didn't want to rob, and he was innocent, and it wasn't until his majesty was jealous and ruthless that he ordered him to get married within a week.

Borrow a mantra from Her Majesty the Queen, fuck.

In a week, where would he go to find a marriage partner?

The impeccable object, Lu Li disdain.

None of the people I currently like.

However, there was still a feeling in his memory that touched him, and now he still thinks it is not exclusive.

"Um..." How did you break up? Lu Li forgot a little. After all, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Separating classes can lead to the age of breaking up.

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