Chapter 57

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There are absolutely no rumors outside.

When the aristocrats immersed in the sugar-coated cannonball of the king's handsome face, felt the hostile energy released by the other party, they immediately knew that the one in front of him was indeed a tyrant.

"Fear of fear." The nobles under the king's jurisdiction all professed to be ministers. The nobles admonished all lowered their eyelids respectfully and made fears, including Princess Kooin who embraced the high prince.

What is this?

Wen Qiuxing broke away from the hand that was holding him tightly, and stepped forward to Princess Coyne: "The wind is strong on the beach, don't blow my cub and catch a cold. Go in."

However, Princess Coyne could still feel the horrible glance of Her Majesty, and put the child back into the hands of the dark-haired youth in an interesting way: "OK."

After that, everyone consciously stepped back aside and made a way. Please, His Majesty the most distinguished King present, go first.

I saw the former queen who had been divorced from the king, but she didn't seem to have a B number, and she walked forward with her child in her arms.

His majesty, the imperial king, just followed him silently.

This situation had to be admired, and His Majesty the King respected his former partner so much.

In other words, although His Majesty the King is cruel and vicious, he is a good husband.

Some unmarried nobles who were still terrified by shaking just now could not help but feel alive.

"Your Majesty!" The silent, depressed atmosphere was cut by a young, clear voice.

The nobles who stayed in place and waited for the king to leave first turned their heads to check.

But His Majesty the King, who didn't have the mood to care about these people, went forward with a cold face, until he found that the full of curiosity Wen Qiuqiu stopped to watch the excitement.

Wen Qiuxing saw that a tall, thin and handsome figure, with short chocolate-colored hair, walked towards this side full of vitality.

Not blowing or blacking, this man's bright smile is somewhat of his shadow.

Even blind people on the earth are aware of it, let alone His Majesty the King with great insight.

When Feng Ting saw Nino, the heroic sword eyebrows were raised high, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

This is undoubtedly a good signal.

Nino's smile was so brilliant that he came to the handsome and sturdy king below to salute: "Your Majesty, the minister is Nino from the Huster family..."

Later, Wen Qiuxing, who introduced himself, didn't hear it, rolled his eyes and left the baby.

Because he had already guessed with his toes, this beautiful little brother who exuded the smell of "hate to marry" was the blind date that the younger member Yang had found for his ex-husband.

Seriously, if the Feng Ting really took a fancy to others, Wen Qiuxing didn't mind breaking the Feng Ting.

In this scene of non-interference, the people around me accidentally got into my eyes.

Princess Kou Yin looked at Wen Qiuxing's back, showing worried eyes.

Without thinking about how long she immediately lifted the skirt and followed.

The Feng Ting seemed to be listening to the acquaintance of the aristocratic young man, but he used Yu Guang to look at his ex-partner. His eyes were a little sad, and then he laughed. Look, even if his admirer appears, the other party is indifferent.

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