Chapter 77

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Soon it was time for Wen Qiuxing and the citizens to make an appointment for a live broadcast. In order to show the citizens a spiritual look, he deliberately wore more formal clothes tonight.

However, life is full of surprises. When Wen Qiuxing awakened himself and prepared to start broadcasting, the big cub **** urine on his leg.

Wen Qiuxing’s heart was dead. He raised his innocent face. His mouthless son was a bit tired and said: "I didn’t wear you a diaper for the live broadcast today. In the end, you gave me a big gift. It’s really My good son."

Cub: "Bah... puff..."

Two jiojio are nowhere to be placed in the air.

Over there, the king came out of the bathroom with water vapor. The standard three-corner figure was exposed to the air with great care, and only a bath towel was tied around his waist.

"What's wrong?" His low, smiling voice was getting closer.

"He peeed me all over." Wen Qiuxing said: "Come and hug me and change his pants. I'm going to change my clothes."

But time was not enough, he had to speed up his movements.

The court nodded and took over the wet boy's wet son in the past, and then carried his son's little boy. "He didn't do it on purpose."

"Hey?" Wen Qiuxing couldn't bear the father and son of these two people: "Oh, I didn't blame him. You'll find clothes quickly. It's almost eight o'clock. Don't let netizens do pigeons."

"Dove?" Feng Ting raised an eyebrow.

"Why so much nonsense, wear your clothes quickly." Wen Qiuxing said while grabbing a set of home clothes. At first glance, he knew that he had given up the elite route and should take the home route.

Because how to say, every time a citizen sees them they are dressed up and rarely see what they look like in private.

Maybe in this live broadcast scene, you will get better results if you feel free.

So Wen Qiuxing grabbed a set of casual clothes in the closet, threw it to His Majesty, and then put on diapers for the baby. Then, the baby should be what the baby should be.

In order to prevent the big cub from chewing on his feet during the live broadcast, Wen Qiuxing handed him a baby bottle and lived together.

It was not yet eight o'clock. Citizens gathered in swarms on Her Majesty's personal website, waiting excitedly for the eight o'clock broadcast.

"I heard that His Royal Highness Prince is here this time, I don't know what he is like now?"

"Does online Q&A mean extracting our questions? Or talking to us directly?"

"It seems to be a private event. Informal interviews should be randomly selected questions on the barrage."

"Let's think about what questions to ask later, and everyone will swipe the screen together, so that the chance of being answered will be higher."

Before the broadcast, Wen Qiuxing's message area has already shown a hot state.

Netizens who were not united in the past, prepared a lot of questions in unity this time, saying that for a while to maintain the formation, it must be seen by two His Majesty.

At the moment before eight o'clock, Wen Qiuxing opened the live broadcast. In the lens, he was wearing light-colored home clothes, his skin was white under the indoor lights, and he was biased towards Asian facial features. He was focusing on adjusting the camera. And other settings.

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