Chapter 17

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This red-lipped boy kept staring at Her Royal Highness, which made Paul feel a sense of crisis.

After all, although he was young, he really didn't look as energetic as this kid, just like who had just got up from his bed, full of temptation.

"Go!" Paul urged badly.

"..." Wen Qiuxing looked around and saw a young man who looked good, tall and well-dressed.

The face is of course handsome and handsome.

It's just that there is no aristocratic temperament that Will naturally radiates from inside to outside.


Every time when he saw a young and handsome man, Wen Qiuxing could not help subconsciously comparing each other with Will, and then got a result comfortably, that these men couldn't add up to Will's finger.

"Race horse with the princess? You are really overwhelming." The man who led him suddenly said.

"Oh, why do you talk so much?" Wen Qiu waken back coldly.

Just kidding, it is one thing for him not to tear the owner of the manor, it is not a minute to tear a ky servant.

Oops, whoever looks down upon others.

The choked Paul's face was green, but because of Her Royal Highness' orders, she could only sneer.

Therefore, Wen Qiuxing can only select horses by himself, and he doesn't want to ask the other party even if these horses are in normal condition.

Because I am too lazy to deal with that kind of person.

But... Princess?

Wen Qiuxing's reflex arc is long enough to find the bright spot in the man's words.

It turned out that the imperial princess Will wanted to take him to visit...

That's really long standby, and the face is not old.

It's 140 years old, and it looks like it's only 40s.

The young man rolled his eyes and decided to pretend he didn't know.

Under the scornful look of Ky, Wen Qiuxing picked up a black stallion in the barn and led it out.

Paul watched the young boy pick the horse, moved his lips and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Before embarking on the horse, Wen Qiuxing unbuttoned his suit jacket, took it off and placed it carefully on the railing, and Will tied the tie he had on him, and he also threw the clothes.

To be honest, he has not been riding a horse for three or four months. The last horseback ride was still home for the Spring Festival...

I just saw Wusiren, touching the dark horse face, the chicken blood in his chest trying to fight for himself, and the blink of an eye turned into homesickness.

But didn't he cross, just live a good life.

Wen Qiuxing thought so, lifting his legs and pedaling, and jumped on his horseback.

The white shirt was pulled rudely out of his trousers and laid down. The waves flew uncontrollably in the air.

Then, just like eating and drinking water, try to tame the horse under the hip. The princess's head, Paul, looked dignified.

In less than five minutes, Wen Qiuxing felt that he was almost at the same level with the horse: "Driving!"

Holding a whip in his hand, he beat the horse and rushed past Princess Coyne.

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