Chapter 48

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At this moment, Feng Ting's heart turned upside down, his eyes were splitting, and he had always been gentle, and he was very angry. His fists were holding his knuckles flushed on his side.

"You really are..."

In order to threaten him, he did not hesitate to pretend to be a good person, approaching his little partner, not only let his little partner accept those ridiculous utterances, but also let his little partner persuade him hard.

Have to say, sinister intentions.

"How is it?" The blond man urged impatiently, even when facing himself, there was no extra patience: "You know, I am the one who said it."

He didn't pay attention to those one or two lives.

The court: "..."

Feng Ting loosened his unconscious palms and closed his eyes exactly like the other: "How can I believe you?"

"Do you have a choice?" said the king.

The cruel and tyrannical remarks verified the emperor's deep-rooted impression of the tyrant.

This person is simply the devil.

No choice.

The court is very clear that he and the tyrant are equal in spirit. At present, the only problem is that he has weaknesses that have to be scrupulous, but the other party does not.

Not knowing how long the silence was, Feng Ting said in a deep voice: "I promise you."

The king, who had already run out of patience, snorted softly and waited for the other party to cut himself off.

"But I have a request." Feng Ting said: "I want to separate myself from my partner."

The eyes of the king who had just suppressed the restlessness were a bit cold. Seriously, he couldn't wait to wake up to accompany his partner. You know, his sweetheart was still waiting for him on the vacation star.

But the thought of the other party disappearing soon, the only trace of patience in his heart made him say in front of him: "an hour."

Although Feng Ting felt that one hour was too short, but knew that the other party's character was not a bargaining person, he nodded and agreed.

The moment he nodded, the surrounding environment suddenly disappeared.

When the eyes were opened again, the room was still a dark night, and the sleeping little partner snore sweet snoring beside him.

Such movements and the temperature from the other person's body made the man endlessly reluctant.

Even if the court knows, this day will come sooner or later.

But he was already very happy. He felt that he could meet such a lovely person in his muddled life, love and love it, and gave birth to a baby.

Feng Ting took the little partner's hand and put it in his mouth to kiss, then, biting down according to his fingertips...

"Lying Groove!" The young man in his sleep sat up from the bed with a sudden look, and flicked his suddenly aching finger with a look of anger: "Rely on Rely..."

Isn't he sleeping?

Why does my hand hurt suddenly?

The earth youth turned on the light and looked at his stupid family. The forcing object looked at him directly, with a smile on his face, and innocently handsome under the light.

It hurt Wen Qiuxing's raised palm and stunned that he didn't fan.

Never mind.

Wen Qiuxing looked at the time, at three o'clock in the morning: "Are you sick?"

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