Chapter 70

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The man who left without hesitation was hit by the slippers thrown behind his blond hair, which is very incredible.

Following the slippers were rude yelling.

Suspicious of the king who had lost his vigilance when he woke up, he stopped violently and turned his head with a stern look, looking coldly at the partner selected by the second personality.

"Divorce?" Feng Ting sneered. At the same time, he was very curious. How did the guy split by him choose his partner?

"Yes." Wen Qiuxing was tossed all night and was in a bad mood to curse: "Take your eldest son and younger son to divorce you."

Feng Ting's cold face froze, young son?

After all, he didn't read the information on the terminal carefully.

"In my belly." Wen Qiuxing looked at him: "More than two months."

"That cannot be a son." The king blurted out.

The earthman who heard this sentence from the court's mouth more than once gave birth to tenderness at such a special time. The tender curiosity: "Why?"

However, the actual result is that the gender diagnosis has come out and it is indeed a son.

"Royal laws." The king gave him a contemptuous look: "You don't even know this?"

Wen Qiuxing: "..."

Dear, I suggest you take a look at your brain.

"So..." He pointed to the sofa: "Can you go to bed now? I'm sleepy."

Speaking of this matter, the king's court was still very angry, and felt that this young man was very presumptuous: "..." first yelled at him under the identity of His Majesty the Queen, and even smashed him with slippers, and then lifted out the pregnant two More than a month's reason to threaten him...

"It's for your pregnancy." His Majesty snorted patiently with patience, after all he didn't have the guts to open the door.

at last......

However, although the room has a constant temperature, it will still be cold without a quilt.

Wen Qiuxing looked at the figure over the sofa, and then looked at the only quilt on his body, and chose to shut up without struggling at all.

And his worry is undoubtedly superfluous.

The king's court was of excellent physical fitness, and even if the indoor temperature was lowered by five degrees, it would not affect him.

Just for His Majesty, sleeping on the sofa is an extremely unfamiliar word.

Since his birth, no one has the courage to abuse him so badly.

"..." And the king's patience is entirely in the face of the second personality. After all, the other party helped him solve the problem of getting married and having children, saving him a lot of trouble.

Thinking about this, His Majesty the Indifferent King glanced at the young man who had been pregnant in bed for more than two months.

Once again, the second person's vision of finding a partner is really disgusting.


Just yell at the king and throw slippers, even dare to ask the king to sleep on the sofa.

It's stupid and bad!

Because he was so angry, His Majesty sat on the sofa in the middle of the night, and didn't have much rest.

Until the next morning, he got fed up with this kind of bird and prepared to wash, dress, and eat. In these activities, only the last one needed to walk out of the dormitory.

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