Chapter 31

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This is not Lu Li bragging.

The name of the court is indeed a symbol of terror among the seven main stars of the universe.

Because this majesty likes to fight in the south and expand the territory, he is well known to the world.

Apart from the brutal impression, other news about the court was rarely reported.

There are two reasons for this situation. First, the empire deliberately did it. Second, the life of His Majesty the King is boring, except for grabbing the territory is a big headache.

Ah no, your majesty also hurts when his majesty grabs the site.

So don’t look at some people who seem to be an emperor on the surface. In fact, food is tasteless in private, and you can’t sleep at night and have a miserable life.

Speaking of that, when the emperor was king or king, he was not a brutal man.

The royal court more than 20 years ago, as the only son of the former king, was given the title of prince of the empire when he was born. The only regret is that the birth mother died prematurely.

In order to compensate him, the former monarch has always been loyal to him.

Therefore, there was nothing wrong with the young court when he was a little cold and arrogant.

Later, the former king made a mistake that all men in the universe would make, found a stepmother for the child, and then became a stepfather.

This was nothing, because the crown prince was also an adult, and the status of the crown prince was unshakable.

Until then something happened.

The lover of the former king said that he had a strange disease, and even the current super-high medical technology could not be cured, and it would take the strong man's mental strength to save his life.

The strong man with special spiritual power is already a transcendental existence, not driven by the king at all.

They can come and go freely among the seven main stars of the universe.

The crown prince in his early twenties is undoubtedly a spiritual person, but he is still young and cannot be called powerful.

As a rare spiritual person, the crown prince has exquisite emotions and has a strong sense of everything around him. He knows more about the fact that his father no longer puts him first.

The high cold arrogant Crown Prince, under his father's hysterics, promised a ridiculous experiment.

Just give back to the other party and give him life.

His headache is a sequelae of the experiment.

The encounters in the experiment are hard to remember. In short, it must have brought the father-son relationship between the king and the king to an end.

In the end, the ruthless queen could not be saved.

It may be that the Feng's genes carry the madman's genes themselves. After the former king lost his love, he became addicted to alcohol and drugs. He has changed from a respected monarch to a delirious madman.

He even kneels in front of his son occasionally for forgiveness.

The result is of course impossible.

There is no forgiveness in the personality of the crown prince. What he needs is Bai Yu's flawless feelings.

But it turned out that his father was crazy.

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