Chapter 29

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The surrounding atmosphere seemed to be excessive to the glacier-filled environment, and it was also a situation that had been expected by the ministers familiar with the court.

But none of them dared to intervene in this confrontation of great strength.

First, who will deal with His Majesty, no matter whether they interfere or not, there will be no second result.

Secondly, the people to be dealt with by His Majesty have nothing to do with them. They do not need to risk their heads to rescue each other.

Even standing by to watch the excitement is risky.

If they can, they want to disappear in place immediately to avoid anger.

Executive Lu had just returned from the dividing line of death. After a sigh of relief, he silently arranged a cabinet of candles for the saucy youth who had served the king.

"..." Wen Qiu was awakened with liver pain, if it were not for Will, he didn't want to admit that the sand sculpture was his man.

He looked at it, and there were a few noble and well-dressed nobles standing near the car. Although they did not look here, the movement here should be clearly heard.

There is an old saying in China that when teaching a son abroad, he closes the door to teach his wife.

He didn't want to embarrass a monarch in front of outsiders.

"Okay." Wen Qiuxing said, "Then you must give way."

His Majesty the King, who had given up enough positions, hesitated and took a few steps back.

His eyes were slanted, and from time to time he glanced at the cabinet members and found that they were honest, so he turned back to watch Wen Qiuxing.

Wen Qiu got out of the car and slammed the door.

His Majesty the King moved his eyelids to the naked eye, as if the door was snapping on the car, but it was snapping heavily on his face...

"Why did you tell me to come down?" Wen Qiuxing was very close to him, and asked at a volume that only two people could hear.

"You got in the wrong car." Feng Ting moved his throat inexplicably, and said to the youth.

"Oh?" Wen Qiu waked up holding her arms and looked around: "Which one should I get on?"

Apart from a black car and the car he just took, it seems that there are no other cars.

"Keep up." The disheveled blond man turned around and walked forward, waking Wen Qiu to find his exclusive car.

Wen Qiuxing admired the handsome guy's back, glanced back at the three motionless people from start to finish, and followed slowly.

Until their backs disappeared, the three onlookers exhaled heavily.

"Who is he?" asked Cabinet member Yang and Councilor Edward in unison.

Executive Lu, who knows the truth, can’t help but talk about the leak: “His Majesty’s Lover.”

The two cabinet members were very surprised: "What?"

Yang Ge immediately thought of something: "Go and find out if he is a male or a third sex."

Edward nodded his head, apparently understanding the meaning of member Yang Ge: "Executor Lu, this matter pleases you."

Land from:"!!!"

Lao Tzu just escaped from death, and now you have to push me down the fire pit again!

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