Chapter 36

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After turning around in bed for a while, the sky became brighter.

Wen Qiuxing simply got up and asked people to get some food for themselves.

I thought I would go to bed happily after taking a bath after eating. As a result, I received a message in my personal terminal: Are you asleep, I am back.

The Inner Mongolian brother who was about to sleep suddenly jumped up, picked up the furry robe he had just taken off, and rushed out of the bedroom like a gust of wind.

He didn't know why he was like this.

Anyway, I wanted to see the man who came down from the battlefield quickly.

After waiting for a while, Little Sweetheart didn't mean to respond. His Majesty the King was a little lost. It seems that Little Sweetheart was asleep. That's not surprising. After all, the other party is so weak. After a night of sleep, it should be exhausted.

The Feng Ting thought so, and accelerated the pace of going to the bedroom.

Just when he was lost, a figure rushed from the front, not who the sweetheart he was missing.

At this moment, the man in military uniform stopped at the same place, stunned.

"Your Majesty!" With an excited cry, the entire young man has rushed into the arms of the court.

This was unexpected by the court, after all, a few hours ago, the picture of the other party slamming him on the bed was vivid, and the picture of pushing him rudely out of the door!

Either way, it indicates the fact that this young man does not really love him.

The blond man's excited mood was immediately poured a pot of cold water, coldly responded: "Uh."

Excited, grumpy brother didn't even have the mind to control the tone of the mouth, and said, "I thought you didn't come back so quickly."

Saying that, with two arms around the man's neck, when I put it up, I would kiss: "I miss, come and kiss one."

The earth man embraced the murderous man, and he was afraid after a long reflection arc.

To know that the guns on the battlefield are blind, one accidentally becomes a torn apart body...

can not imagine!

Wen Qiuxing kissed hard. He kissed the court who hurried back, thinking that this guy would come back thousands of miles, surely because of fear that he was worried, God, what a beautiful love story.

The other party should not have recovered from the brutal battle, so he would shoot slowly, kissed him for a long time, and hugged him hard.

People on Earth are chaotic and confused, and feel that their breathing is not smooth.

But I don't want to stop, I have to admit that the intimate moves with emotions are so beautiful.

It will make people want to extend this kiss from the bottom of their hearts, so as to get more contact, more of the other party's breath, then it will be very happy, about this is the mystery of lovers who love to eat and talk!

The earth person thought, his body suddenly rose into the air.

Feng Ting hugged him, pressed his head against his messy collar, and walked all the way to the bedroom.

It seemed to him that it was very easy to hug an adult man without any burden.

Wen Qiuxing was afraid of breaking the fart into four petals, so he hugged the neck of the man in military uniform tightly, and his eyes were covered with a thin layer of water vapor.

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