A Year On

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Alright, so basically, I hope you enjoy it...I say no more!

"Why is it that we always end up running through the airport?" I laughed, juggling the two empty coffee cups along with my hand luggage that I was holding. Heathrow airport was extremely busy as always.

"Because we both overslept the alarms that we set. Plus your snoring kept me awake as per, so I was knackered." Daniel grinned as he fished around his company bag for his passport. Telling him that his documents were in the front pocket would ruin all of the fun.

I gave him a look; the snoring joke still hadn't died its death eighteen months on.

"It obviously doesn't bother you that much!" I chuckled, grabbing a tray to put all of our belongings in at security. The empty Costa cups went into the bin. "Let us not forget that you were the one who asked me to move in with you." And that was true, since he asked me to move in with him last Christmas we had barely spent a full day apart.

"Yeah, I suppose." He rolled his eyes and added his snapback into the tray along with some loose change and his mobile. "You're a bit tidier than Paul."

"And Lizzie still has her work cut out there!"

Lizzie and Paul had tied the knot merely two months ago during the summer break. It had been the best night of the year so far. Especially because Daniel got to wear a suit again, and I didn't have work the next morning. With a bit of luck, Lizzie would be showing us the Wedding photos when we landed in again in Monaco.

Daniel sniggered as it was our turn to go through the security scanner, only for about the thirtieth time that year. I went through first as usual and got the all clear. I was sorting out the boarding passes when Daniel got flagged.

"Sir, do you mind if we give you a quick search?" the man spoke. We were pushed for time but we weren't as late as what we had been in the past months. Heathrow to Shanghai at the start of the 2015 season had been the leg from hell.

"Nah, go ahead." Daniel shrugged as he raised his eyebrows at me. He was smiling, as usual. It was a bloody good job that I would never get tired of his grin- it still made my legs go weak.

I stood to the side whilst he got frisked and then I was approached by a member of the security team.

"Is this your bag?" the woman asked, pointing to Dan's holdall.

"Uh no, my partners." I nodded as she looked irritated. Yes, she wasn't the only one who had a job to do.

"Okay, then we wait." She smiled, baring her teeth.

Daniel got given the all clear as he reasoned that it was the button on his jeans that was setting the scanner off, and eventually security believed him after an extensive explanation in two different languages. Why the English found it so difficult to understand Australians I did not know. Mind you, that had been me year and a half ago.

"Excuse me, I got told this is your bag?" the lady asked. Daniel groaned as he realised that it was going to be searched.

"Yeah, and yes you can." he spoke as he put his cap back on.

"Will only be one moment." She now had a slight smile pressed on her lips as she began to empty the contents of his luggage. Clothes came out and Daniel's expression changed. He was glaring at the person pulling out the undies.

The person continued rooting around and Daniel grew on edge.

"So Saskia, where is it we're meeting Paul and Lizzie?" Dan asked, distracting me from looking at what was in his bag. He was probably trying to sneak half of the local Cadburys shop out with him.

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