Chapter Thirty Eight: Just as Sweet

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If you get a chance to, definitely watch the video above- it makes things a lot clearer. Anyway, enjoy and I hope you're all liking Daniel's Austin beard as much as me;)

It got to a point where nothing more could have been said to Sam in the state that he was in. So, several glasses of water later he was carried to his room by Paul and then Lizzie and I made sure he actually made it into his bed. His head was going to be incredibly sore for the practice sessions.

I returned to my room and Daniel came back to mine too. It was too late to see Christian now- I should have been asleep hours ago. I did however continue to feel extremely guilty for Jones. He was a mess.

Friday thankfully turned out to be relatively quiet, with no more tweets had being sent regarding Silverstone, and in fact it looked as if the questions had been deleted. I had a feeling that Britta, who was some kind of genius, had something to do with that.

After a strong qualifying session on Saturday, Sunday looked as if it was going to be a good race. Daniel started in fourth and there was hope that he could push hard for another podium.

Arriving at the track on Sunday morning, the weather was dismal but with a bit of luck it would stop raining and remain dry for the duration of the day- there was even some talk of the sun making an appearance too. Let's hope that pathetic fallacy would work its magic.

I was busy setting up some things in the motorhome when Christian, along with a handful papers, came in. A few messages had been exchanged, but as of yet neither Daniel nor I had informed him on anything. There simply hadn't been enough hours in the day to do so.

"Saskia, there you are." he said, his manner was composed and content. As I have said before, this tone of voice for him was often the calm before the storm.

"Hi, Christian." I spoke, putting my own papers down to look up at the team principal.

"Have you spoken to Bridget?" he then asked, one hand was placed on his hip. I couldn't help but notice that he was indeed in need of a shave.

"I haven't been able to get a chance to yet." I admitted, rather shamefully. It was going to take a shit load of courage to dial her number and hear what she had to say.

"Bloody useless." Horner spoke, sitting down at the opposite side of the table to me. No no no.

"Are you going to make me a coffee?"

"Yeah, sorry." I quickly jumped up over to the coffee machine. Last time I used one of these I broke it- that had better not happen again.

"I was joking, sit down." he feebly laughed, pulling out his phone to check a message. "Anyway, if you would have spoken to Bridget then we need you to apply for a job."

Ahahaha, here it came! Maybe being a cleaner wouldn't be so bad.

"Absolutely, I can totally understand...I have been very unprofessional." I stuttered, mentally imagining hitting my head on the granite table.

"Sorry?" Christian looked confused. He paused for a moment, wondering what I was on about. "We need you to apply for Daniel's managerial side of things as well. Emma has left rather suddenly due to personal circumstances."

I sat stunned for a good few seconds.

"For PA too?" I eventually replied, my brain was well and truly failing me at this moment in time.

"Yes for PA too. It'll increase your load but we can't think of anyone else for the job right now." He ran his hand over his stubble. "Besides, you and Daniel get on very well, so there's no objections on that part. Britta admitted it was a lot easier being on the road handling that aspect. Lizzie too."

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