Chapter Fourteen: Mixed Emotions

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It wasn't fair on her, and by her I meant Lauren. Nor Daniel, he was drunk and confused; he obviously still liked her, otherwise he wouldn't have been on his phone on and off all night. After all, it would have been wrong to go with it and take advantage of him. Plus I had Sam to think about, and I was dreading what he'd say if he found out.

And so that's what I decided at eight the next morning, that what went on meant nothing, it was meaningless and should be forgotten about as soon as possible. Which was easier said than done. The scene of us sitting on my bed replayed and replayed through my mind until the visions of us became blurry and my body finally fell into a sleep at four a.m.. There was one thing which stood out though, we'd both had our eyes shut, tight.

I'd slept in the arm chair in the corner of my room, with Daniel sprawled across my bed. I'd thought about slipping out to Sam's room, but decided that it wouldn't have been fair after Singapore. In all honesty, I couldn't face him immediately after the debacle, even though it was now irrelevant.

Awaking early (again) on Monday I changed out of my shorts that I'd slipped on before I went to sleep. Usually, I was fairly content with just sleeping in my underwear, but obviously hadn't been able to do that.

I walked around trying to find the remote for the air-con and when I found it under the giant pile of paper work, I turned it down a touch. The room was fairly cold, even though two bodies had been sleeping in it. I tugged my uniform on and splashed cold water on my face- it should have made me more alert. It was to no avail though.

I came back out of the bathroom and looked across to Daniel, laid on top of the covers fully clothed except his shirt half unbuttoned. He had taken his shoes off and his belt was crumpled on top of the bedside cabinet. He was positioned on his side on the right of the bed, and it became apparent to me that he was still used to sharing. This was unlike me. I was usually quite happy to crash slap bang in the centre of the mattress.

I lingered wondering whether to wake him or not, I didn't know what I'd quite say, but we had more interviews to do and they started in a few hours. I paused but left it, writing him a note instead. I hunted for a pen on my desk and scribbled down something:


In case you're wondering, you're in Saskia's room. I've gone down for breakfast but there are some fresh towels in the bathroom. If you need me here's my number -

I ended it with my mobile number and a smiley face. They always help a hangover, right? Before I went I poured him a fresh glass of water and left some paracetamol and the packet of biscuits which I hadn't eaten on the table too. No doubt he would have been wanting to eat as soon as he woke up.


Downstairs the team were dotted around, including Paul who'd already been to the gym. He was sat down tucking into a generous bowl of granola and berries. Some of the other mechanics were sat there too so I pulled out a chair and perched myself next to Callum, who was immersed in deep conversation with Olly. Sam was nowhere to be seen.

"Saskia, you look like you had a good night's sleep." Paul studied me from opposite. Was he being sarcastic?

"Do I?" I replied having been noticed by Daniel's personal trainer.

"Yeah, did you head back early?" he asked.

"Early enough, yes." I glared at the continental breakfast choices and told my brain to focus on them, ignoring the overwhelming urge to order egg and bacon...and sausage, beans, mushroom, tomato...

"Was Daniel okay after you left?" Bugger, he did remember us leaving together.

"Yeah, he's fine..." Was I to tell him he was currently asleep on my bed?

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