Chapter Forty Eight: Pieces

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Wherever I was it was white, very white...and I could hear muffled voices outside of the enclosed room that I was in.

My vision slowly focused and I came apparent to my surroundings, I wasn't in my work clothes, I was in what could only be described as a surgical gown. I was lying on a bed, on a drip, in my favourite place. The hospital.

I raised my hand instinctively to my head to wipe away my hair that hung over my forehead, doing so caused a searing pain on my right side. Gah. What was going on?

Before I could answer any more questions on what had just happened a nurse appeared through the door. She was half smiling but looked rushed off her tiny feel, she was bearing a glass of water.

The look on her face puzzled me and I was definitely wondering what I was doing here. I had no idea what had happened between getting the coffees at the factory to now. How did I end up lying in a hospital bed? On a drip. The only positive was that I wasn't dead, yet.

I was completely unaware of the time, I was meant to be on a plane to Italy that evening. Considering I didn't know whether it was still that same day or not, I paid careful attention to the nurses' watch. I hadn't a clue where mine was. Or my phone, I really needed that. Big time.

"Saskia, hi. How are you feeling?" The female figure bent down to my level and began the checks.

"Yup, confused, but-" I stuttered. So many bloody questions.

I tore my eye line away from the nurse who was probably a few years younger than me, probably in her final year and on placement or something. I felt groggy, really groggy and I had a feeling that the liquids which were being pumped into me had something to do with it.

"There's some water, drink it when you can." she proceeded to place down the water on my bedside and pick up the clipboard that I hadn't noticed.

"Thank you." I stuttered, for speaking was effort that I honestly didn't have.

"Dr Gale will be along now I know that you've come round."

"Come round?" Of course I still wanted to know what I was doing here in the first place, I most certainly wasn't on an NHS ward, I had my own room and there was even a fruit bowl. It's the small things in life, hey.

"Oh I forgot you were the one that was passed out!" she gestured to the notes on the sheet on paper and scribbled down a few things from her assessment.

I didn't reply, just grunted. Soon realising that I had effectively been under anaesthetic, for what reason I was still clueless but with a bit of luck I would find out within the next century, preferably.

"I'll leave you in peace; your mobile is on charge so I can fetch it once the doctor has given you the lowdown." She smiled once more before leaving me. The room really was quiet and I couldn't hear much, other than the sound of the medical equipment.

I wanted to sit up, and I wanted to get up- walk around a bit. I could feel my leg cramping up. I knew that it wouldn't be wise though, I attempted to take a sip of my water yet I had to put it straight down again in fear of dropping it. At least the pain in my side had ceased, yet was replaced with an altogether different sensation. It felt as if someone had torn my insides open. Not fun in the slightest.

I dozed in and out of a light sleep yet my mind was doing overtime, all I wanted was to be sat with Daniel laughing and chatting away about the weekend's instalments. The situation was not helped by the fact that I really, really needed a wee. Desperately.

I don't know how long I was pondering about life but things got a little bit better when the doctor walked in. I thanked my lucky stars that I had put nice underwear on that morning. It was just a shame that I couldn't remember his name. Dr Grey? Ha, if only.

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