Chapter Eight: Lights Out

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The expressions registered on Daniel's face had suddenly changed and a flicker of emotion sped across his eyes for a fraction of a second. What that emotion was I did not yet know...

Dinner ended at ten pm and the divers escaped to get an early night. Sebastian, Daniel and Christian walked out together whilst the three girls hung behind planning tomorrow, our schedule was fairly similar. We had another dinner to attend in the evening before the mad rush of qualifying and the race.


On Friday I was up at 6am ready to head to the track, Paul- Daniel's trainer, picked him up from his hotel and met me for a chat in the garage.

It was more than surreal standing beside the car- the hardest thing was not to get in anyone's way; the floor space was bustling and conversations were happening in all directions.

I recognised a few of the guys from back in Milton Keynes and among them was Sam and Callum. Sam caught my eye and winked, Callum rolled his eyes. That guy had the mentality of an eight year old.

Ricciardo and Paul arrived at 7am.

"Daniel." I smiled whilst rearranging printed documents in my hands.

"Hey, alright?" He had his race suit tied around his waist.

"Yes...good thank you, just to let you know you've got a slot with Sky at three-thirty and the BBC at four, so can you meet me in here then."

"Sure. And uh Sas, I'm sorry I was quiet last night." His apology was genuine although I wasn't entirely sure what he was saying it for.

"It's a big day today, you'll be brilliant." I touched his arm and made myself busy by heading for the coffee machine. I fanned myself with the schedule, it was already warming up. I then took my coffee over to the motorhome ready a hectic day.


I reappeared at three o'clock on the dot, instead of Daniel waiting, it was Sebastian. Britta obviously wasn't quite ready yet. Vettel looked less than impressed and seemed to be deep in thought. He had his head down and sunglasses on. I stood slightly behind him, not wanting to intrude the German's space, he however heard me and spun round on the balls of his feet.

"Ah, not Britta then." Even through his shades I could see that his blue eyes had sunken and his lips had parted.

"Nope sorry, Sebastian." I didn't know what else to say.

"Have you seen her?" he shrugged not entirely focusing on what he was saying.

"Not since lunch time." I was annoyed I couldn't help him more, he looked troubled and as of yet I hadn't seen the four time world champion like that.

"Okay, never mind, I'd better get back to help the guys. See you tonight." I nodded, it'd become clear to me that he was having car trouble. Stupid Suzie was already playing up.

I found Daniel immersed in conversation with his engineer in the corner of the garage, his car was back on the stands and covered over. It was a shame, I loved looking at it.

I was sorting papers out when Riccardo saw me. Thank goodness his smile had returned.

"Ready?" I asked, declining as he offered me a piece of chewing-gum.

"Of course."

Both Sky and the BBC were doing video features on Daniel that weekend. Each involved an interview- for Sky's we made way to a quiet edge of the paddock. All went very smoothly and Daniel was chatting away not stop. The BBC's wasn't much different- Lee McKenzie was a big fan of Daniel's and you could tell right away.

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