Chapter Twenty Four: Moments

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Writers note: I hope you enjoy (feel very very evil) please vote/ comment:)

We never did hear what Daniel had to say after that because Lizzie veered off suddenly to empty the contents of her stomach into a bin. Just how she perfectly timed the location of it was miraculous. In reality I should have made us both eat something before the masses we had to drink but, I thought that she was becoming accustomed to it. I was obviously wrong.

"Jesus Christ girl." I limped over to her in my heels and held her hair back whilst she continued gagging. Absolutely delightful. If she continued at this rate, I would be joining her.

"Moment has gone!" Sid accounted on behalf of Daniel. Whatever Ricciardo had to say it obviously could wait as he was busy tweeting something on his phone. With a bit of luck it wouldn't be about getting a restraining order in place for the both of us after we had ruined a respectable night by not being able to control our intolerance levels. Well, I was coping. Just.

Lizzie resurfaced and wiped her mouth which churned my stomach even more.

"We are going to have to carry her." Sid continued with his Eureka moments.

The Australian men wiped their brows and then gave me Lizzie's bag before they lifted her up. I tried my hardest to lead the way but Daniel would intercept every few seconds to tell me that I was going in the completely the wrong direction.

It hadn't been as easy as I first thought to get a cab, as when we first exited the club Lizzie had directed us to some side street. I was more than happy to have someone that lived here with us, so he could point us the right way. On the positive side walking gave us the chance to sober up. A tad.


Reaching our hotel was another bloody miracle; I could have jumped for joy when we entered my room too. Sid had waited down in the lobby, a reason for which he had made very obvious to his friend.

"And, I am going to wait here for as long as you like..." he said, stretching out on the couch much to the bemusement of the reception staff. "So it's fine. Actually, I may have a sleep. I am quite tired and this is comfy."

"Sid, you are shit when you're drunk." Daniel replied, half laughing, half frustrated and embarrassed, "be careful."

He then walked over to where Lizzie had managed to stand up. Sadly, she was not quite able to walk unaided. How she became so bad so quickly I do not know.

I shouted my room number across to Sid in case he needed us suddenly. I didn't imagine that he would though; his eyes were already shut. And I thought that Aussies were meant to have a reputation for being able to handle their alcohol?

"And once again, I apologise for the mess." I said, squeezing my way through the door. I really had to remove my suitcase from behind it.

"Give over." Ricciardo replied.

"No, really." Lizzie piped up melodramatically.

I looked across to her and jabbed her sharply in the ribs. I didn't know why we were back at my room when Lizzie had her key card on her but it looked like she'd be a night without Olly and in the far corner of my bed, preferably the closest side to the bathroom so she wasn't sick on my duvet. Actually, it would have been a lot easier if I had put the spare blankets along with a pillow in the bath tub...ah, if only I could bring myself to be that cruel.

"Right, goodnight then, Miss." I let her lay down but stopped her as she tried to take my pillow too. That was crossing the line.

I could hear Daniel sniggering away in the corner, probably too terrified to move any further into the room with the fear of not being able to find his way out through the stacks of paper work and clothes. I was tidy at heart, honestly.

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