Chapter Forty One: Caught Out

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Daniel backed away slightly and then I followed. At one point I thought he was going to cut off the circulation in my fingers- he was gripping my hand that tightly.

"We all know that's for the best." he said after a few moments.

I daren't look up at him or Lauren, who was standing just feet in front of me.

Her brunette bob was already irritating me enough. I had my sandals in my hand and I was getting incredibly close to lobbing them at her if she said anything else.

"Yes well... maybe it's not..." She was evidently stoked at his response. "It didn't come across that way on the phone call."

Phone call? Now I looked up at Dan. His eyes were widened and a hard expression was now written across his face.

"I don't know what you're on about." he stuttered and marched me off in the opposite direction, just as her bloody dog starting paying attention to my feet. I was surprised that Lauren hadn't trained it to eat me. It was that fucking massive.


Much to my relief nothing more was seen or heard of Lauren in the next few days and nights that we stayed with his parents for.

I had even managed to make a roast dinner, which was something with I hadn't had in months and something which Grace and Joe were truly mystified by. Probably because I managed to burn the Yorkshire Puddings whilst the pair headed to the shops. I firmly blame Daniel for that. He was distracting me.

Soon though, on the following Thursday, it was time to move into a villa that Daniel had hired. Over the duration of the final ten nights we were set to host a few parties and subsequent BBQ's for his friends and family.

Leaving his parents' house was rather sad, seeing they'd made me feel unbelievably welcome. I was just pleased that it'd only be a few days before I saw them next, along with most of the Ricciardo clan.

I loaded our cases into the car before goodbyes were said.

"Have a lovely time won't you Saskia, please don't stress over anything." Grace spoke, standing by the passenger door.

"I'll try not to." I laughed. "Thank you so much for letting me stay, it's been lovely to see you."

"And you too! We have really enjoyed having the pair of you here. You are welcome anytime." She gave me a hug and then released me as Daniel was ready to go.

He too said his goodbyes before he started the ignition and he pulled out onto the road- we were heading half hour north, and that was all he had told me. I was completely in the dark about the rest of it.

"Can I have a clue?" I tried again after a few minutes.

"There's no creaky bed in the room..." He shyly grinned. Men.


Pulling up at the house I could hardly believe my eyes. It was front line- and by that I meant nothing but a small footpath between the fence of the property and the beach.

It was a new build, as were most in the area. We'd gone through the suburb of Hillary's and from that point onward I would have happily stayed in any of the houses that I saw on the coast road.

I took my time noticing every finer detail of the exterior and the coast that I could see; I hadn't even noticed that Daniel had got out and was now staring at me. Asmug expression was formed on his lips.

"Just now many non-creaky beds will there be here?" I managed to ask in ore or the house. It was humongous.

"Enough- enough for some other people." His eyes glinted; this was another plan of his.

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