Chapter Three: Meeting day

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Tuesday night passed fast and before I knew it, my alarm was going off and the Spring sun was filtering through my blinds- it reminded me to invest in a decent one. Soon I was going to be needing all the sleep I could get.

It was the following morning, thus today was Wednesday, and today I was meeting Daniel for the first time (oh, and Rebecca).

I went through my usual routine of having a shower and getting ready. I grabbed a banana and flagged a cab outside my door and jumped in. It took me to the station and I began the lengthy process of the journey.

At ten to one I was standing outside the restaurant that Bridget had given me the name of- absolutely freezing my ass off on the edge of Milton Keynes.

I peered in through the windows at the interior, it was to my taste. Modern yet rustic, somewhere I'd choose if I'd arranged the meeting.

My heart was racing and I was apprehensive of how Daniel would perceive me. If today didn't go well then it could be the end of my very short Red Bull career and I'd have to take Helen's offer back. Just think of him as another client, Saskia, just stick to what you know and do best...

I began to pace around outside, the palms of my hands had turned sweaty, I wiped them down the fronts of my jeans in a moment of panic.

I took in a deep breath and pushed the restaurant door open, if I hadn't have gone in then, I still would have been standing out there hours later. The waiter approached me immediately.

"Hi, Saskia White. I'm meeting Mr Ricciardo." I stuttered nervously, I had to get rid of my shaky voice in the next few seconds.

I coughed in hope of clearing it.

The waiter looked at his list on the podium in front of him. There were a few seconds of silence before he spoke.

"Yes, of course, Ma'am. Follow me, please." The man led me past a number of tables and through to the back of the restaurant. It was quieter here, less chance of Daniel being recognised I suppose.

I looked up to see Daniel smiling- you couldn't exactly miss it. I knew then that it was going to be infectious...

Being a fan of Motorsport myself, I had seen Daniel Ricciardo's face on my TV screen several times over the years. Plus, I may or may not have given him a Google a couple of time when applying for the job.

The waiter left and Daniel stood up. I'd barely noticed Rebecca sitting beside him. She had now risen from her seat too.

"Rebecca," she held out her hand for me to shake. She had this glow about her, an aura that I just didn't have.

"Saskia, nice to meet you." I smiled. So far so good, my voice was holding out.

She nodded as Daniel's voice sounded.

"Daniel, good to finally meet you, Saskia." His Australian accent was strong as was the grip on his firm handshake that he gave me. He beamed and smiled, and sat down first, Rebecca and I followed suite. He was taller than what I had expecting him to be.

Rebecca then started the conversation politely, my eyes however kept on drifting away from hers, definitely had nothing to do with Daniel.

"Did you have a pleasant journey?" she asked me.

I was reasonable with my reply and said it was good enough.

After some more minimal conversation we ordered drinks and studied the menu. I chose yet another salad and recited my order to the waiter. Soon after we had done so Rebecca excused herself and went to the bathroom.

That left myself sitting opposite Daniel. I studdied the Australian, his chocolate curls had been cropped shorter than what I was expecting and his brown eyes were glinting, yet slightly strained from the light that hung above our table. He was sat upright and looked content, his expression open and friendly.

"Are you ready for the next ten months?" he gently asked me, now his tone was more serious. That nerved me slightly as he rubbed the stubble accumulating on his chin.

"I am ready, yes. Are you?" Jesus. Saskia, I couldn't even reply sensibly to a simple question. Think normally for goodness sake woman.

"Ah yeah, y'know Red Bull is a good place to be now. I'm optimistic about the move I made from Toro, it's gonna be tough still, will be a miracle if I complete a lap during testing." Toro Rosso (or 'Toro') was Daniel's previous team, one that was part of the Red Bull Development Programme.

I nodded as if I understood, I too believed his move had been made at the perfect time although the team were struggling this year, masses of new regulations had come into place. Everything now was almost entirely unpredictable.

Rebecca returned and our drinks arrived. I sipped the soda and lime slowly, although work was paying for lunch I felt guilty about it costing £4.50 for a soft drink.

Conversation soon turned to the upcoming schedule. Rebecca, who was originally employed by sister team Toro Rosso, was returning to her usual post. This time with F1 newbie, Daniil Kvyat. She informed me that the flights to all destinations had already been booked and I just had to sort out a few hotels for press appearances in the UK. Red Bull management and marketing had already done the rest.

Throughout the meal I was picking up things that Daniel liked and disliked, for example how he took his coffee and how he swapped the placing of his cutlery, but also expressions he used and hand gestures too. He gesticulated a lot.

He was talkative and eager for me to feel at ease with him. That was easier said than done, by the end of it my heart was still beating ten to the dozen. I had however relaxed to some extent as I was focusing on work.

My salad was the best... uh, salad that I'd ever eaten but I envied Daniel's steak and Rebecca's Venison.

Later on after we had finished coffees Rebecca and I arranged to meet the following day without Daniel present, he was in the simulator all day.

Rebecca stuck the bill on the company credit card and we exited the restaurant, Daniel walking with his head down all the way out to minimise being spotted.

We walked around the corner, two separate cars would be picking us up. One for Rebecca and Daniel and the other one for myself. I was free to head back to my flat and work from there. Requests for Daniel to be interviewed were now being directed to me; I was now handling (and subsequently scheduling) them.

A short while after the two vehicles arrived- Daniel shook my hand again and said he's looking forward to seeing me on Saturday (his Autosport magazine interview).

He hopped into the car and sunk into his seat. Rebecca then hugged me and whispered something in my ear, "he likes you already." she said.

She pulled back and smiled, she then got in too. That then left me standing on the pavement trying to gather my thoughts.

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