Chapter Forty Four: An Office Day

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Lizzie was crashed on my couch, next to Sam- who was next to Joe on the floor. They had been redecorating and I nearly didn't recognise my own flat. The smell of fresh paint hung in the air even though all of the windows were wide open. I loved them all. And Daniel, who I suddenly wished was standing beside me- but no I'd let him walk off after he had lingered at his and Paul's hotel.

I gently nudged Lizzie as she rolled over and grabbed my foot, her nails were incredibly sharp. "Lizzie, I am not Paul- do not try anything."

That woke her up, she then nearly knocked me off of my feet with an enormous hug. Suddenly she was very awake.

"I've missed you so much, have you seen Daniel?" she babbled on. "Do you like it? It was Sam's idea and-"

"Woah, calm it." I reluctantly released her. "Firstly, yes I've seen Daniel...and Paul. Secondly, I love this, but-"

"Well you always complain about it, so why not?"

The other two began to stir, Sam had his arm wrapped around Joe. It was really touching actually.

"Sas." Jones stood up and kissed me on the cheek and Joe followed. So much for him going to see his Sister that day...

Before anything could be said my parents appeared at the door and informed me that they were staying at the Premier Inn, just two minutes up the road. And so they too had been aware of this all along... I had had my fair few surprises for the time being, I definitely did not want any more for a good while. I didn't think my heart would be able to take it, nor my legs- they were beginning to look very bruised around my kneecaps.

"Guys, I literally cannot believe you!" I stood back tripping on a pot of paint, well it was a good job that the lid was on and dust sheets were down.

"You've worked your butt off, been through the mill - so it's the least we can do."

Lizzie immersed me in a hug again. I was still sat on the floor and she fell on top of me- thankfully, I had barely eaten since landing so I didn't throw up due to the pressure on my stomach.

"You'll make me cry and I've done way too much of that recently." I said with my eyes fixated on the walls of my living space. Definitely liked the colour.

"Well, let's get you to bed then, hey." Lizzie yawned, she too looked absolutely knackered. "I'm sharing with you, so careful."

The two men tittered. I did not know what they were laughing at.

"Okay then, g'night Sam, Joe- thank you." I smiled and went to pour myself a glass of water. All my mixed emotions had made me very thirsty.

"Night Saskia, there's no reason not to get a good nights sleep tonight, is there?" Sam said striping his t-shirt off in front of us all. That guy was not shy anymore.

"No." I replied, however much I loved Lizzie I just wished that I was sharing with someone else.

We brushed our teeth rather halfheartedly and clambered into bed, little did I know that Paul and Daniel were both drafted in to redecorate my room in city scape wallpaper the following day.

I pulled the covers up and had already taken them back from Lizzie, twice. I had forgotten just how bad she was at stealing them.

I reached for my phone that had mercifully decided to work after I'd dropped it on the tiled floor- I did not want to explain that one to Bridget. She would have killed me, literally.

I soon found Ricciardo's number and was soon typing a message. I'd written a good paragraph but in the end decided against it. It sounded cheesy, I did not do cheese.

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