Chapter Fifty: Realisation

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I felt more guilty than ever now. One (two) simple mistakes had led to yet more stress. Seeing Lizzie's face made it clear to me that Daniel had to know about Spa sooner rather than later.

A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead as I noticed the same happening to Daniel. We were hurriedly walking along the paddock to our next interview slot, sometime after qualifying. We were admittedly running a few minutes late for I had momentarily misplaced my dictaphone. I really wasn't with it.

People seemingly paid more attention to me now. I could sense the glares and the looks passers by gave me- scrutinising every finer detail of me. People knew now that I wasn't just Daniel Ricciardo's public relations officer (as well as his personal assistant, of course).

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Christian and Geri having a cold drink together under one of the canopies. My breath immediately stalled and I veered three steps in the other direction. I kept my head down and chanced walking into someone else. I was too busy to properly care but my rapid reactions gave a little too much away.

"Have I got time to speak to Horner?" Daniel asked, tugging at my arm slightly. I was in a world of my own.

"Not really." I replied instantly and picked up the pace so we would reach Fox TV in time.

"You're really off with him at the moment, has he cut your wages or something?" Daniel laughed but I didn't flinch. I had hardly slept a wink worrying about everything.

"No." I tried to seem upbeat but I knew that I was failing. "Nothing like that."

Now I'd nearly put my size five foot in it. Congratulations, Saskia.

"You two didn't have a thing, did you?" He then proceeded to chuckle out loud until he began coughing and turned red in the face. I then passed him my water.

"Just always preferred Girls Aloud to the Spice Girls..." I shrugged, desperately trying to enthuse gusto into my tone.

"Not a fan of the Ginger Spice then!"

"Ehhh, worryingly you know a lot about them- were you secretly a follower?" I exhaled, finally mustering a genuine giggle. Geri had been alright up until she'd seen me almost naked, with her partner. Classy.

"Knew it, your iTunes library is pretty impressive you know that, Saskia." he continued to laugh as we reached where we had meant to be.

I switched my professional mode fully on and briefed the Australian before my mobile vibrated in my pocket and I knew that I had to answer it.

Bloody Journos, my love hate relationship with them seemed to be continuing for the time being.

I kindly told them that Daniel was unavailable, and it was a shame they didn't believe me until I offered to send them a picture of our schedule. That soon settled the French Motorsport magazine.

I tucked my phone back away momentarily before continuing to email, whilst Ricciardo was being questioned. I couldn't wait to leave the track and have a well deserved bath, the day had been hectic to say the least.

"Saskia?" I looked up from my quick typing to see the Fox representative beaming at me.

"Yes, Amy, right?" I replied to the dark haired girl. I couldn't quite pin just how old she was.

"Yes, Amy- it's good to see you again. It has been an age." the figure continued to gabble on, and I half zoned out until- "Don't suppose you've seen all the paper reports and gossip magazines today?"

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