Chapter Twenty Five: Victory

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Writer's note: firstly I am incredibly nervous about uploading this chapter and if you read on I think it'll become clear why. I'm sure I didn't do it justice but I gave it a go. Secondly, there's an awesome video that I've attached so give that a quick watch. Please,if you like it vote and comment- can't wait to hear your reactions :)

"Happy Birthday!" Lizzie sung into my ear at five a.m. on the Sunday. Not only was it race day but I was also celebrating my birthday, as Lizzie had kindly informed me. It was an hour before I had to be up and an hour too early to be processing words. I threw my pillow at her and rolled over; maybe she would get the gist and leave me alone. Sadly, she didn't.

"Saaaaskia! Do not ignore me. I have biscuits." That did it, that made me instantly more awake.

"Where?" I mumbled.

"I, uh, don't. I ate them all." She paused momentarily, probably seeing the look of disdain spreading across my face. "I can get you some though."

Now she was talking.

"Please." I said, it was my birthday- I didn't have to diet, right?

"Open your card first." She eagerly smiled. She was easily resembling a puppy, or a small child.

The boys were still at the garage, working on the car into the night, Lizzie being Lizzie hadn't been used to sleeping alone for a considerable amount of time now asked (forced) me, to let her sleep in my room. Again.

"If it will shut you up." I then managed a smile. She reached over to the bedside and pulled out a white envelope. She then handed it to me and I tore it open, okay, maybe I was a tad excited too.

Opening it revealed a card covered in glitter. I let out a little laugh; this was completely typical of the girl. I turned it over to the middle to expose her incredibly neat handwriting.

I read it contently, now fully awake. It was rather a big paragraph written inside and it took me a while to read it. By the end of it I was struggling not to cry. I may have only known her for four months but in that time we had been through a lot together.

"I hate you a lot, y'know." I gulped, bundling her into a hug.

I hoped and prayed that today would be a good one.


After a few interviews and a conference it was time for action, the drivers' parade would disembark any minute now.

I gave the relaxed Ricciardo a prep talk and he listened to the ten-thousandth piece of information being relayed to him that day. I tried to keep it short and sweet by basically telling him not to swear and answer the questions as truthfully as possible, which he nearly always did. Minus that one time on the BBC, although considering the utterly shit day he was having back then, I let him off, just.

"Right, I'll see you in a bit." I told him, finishing what I had to say.

"Yeah! Hope the guys are treating you alright today."

"Ha, yes, Daniel, they are. Please go, everyone looks to be waiting." I gave him a gentle guide in the direction that he was meant to be going off in.

He walked alongside his teammate before they both turned round. First Sebastian and then Daniel. Had eating three...okay, five, biscuits caused my weight to dramatically increase already? Or perhaps I had some food around my mouth? Soup was very hard to eat whilst on the phone to a billion different companies.

I continued to observe the pair and  Daniel was now leant in muttering something into Sebastian's ear. Bugger.


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