Chapter Ten: Long night

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The weather was dismal the following morning, like my mood and everyone else's for that fact. Daniel had been disqualified- his car had hadn't met the FIA's guidelines.

Rain poured on the glass of the window creating a terrible racket. I assumed that the noise was what caused me to startle, in a cold sweat, feeling like was going to throw up.

I was oblivious that it was only six a.m. until I checked my phone and, judging by the amount of messages, emails and notifications I'd already had, the majority of the team were already up despite only going to bed three hours ago. In fact some probably hadn't even slept.

Without showering I pulled on my uniform, trying to ignore the forever growing pounding in head. Where were my sodding painkillers?

I made my way downstairs with my laptop in order to figure out what to do next. Today would be manic, my biggest test to date, not helped by my hangover.

The somber mood continued throughout the day. I helped file an appeal against the FIA's decision as well as writing statements left, right and centre on behalf of Daniel. He was in a lengthy meeting with team bosses and I hadn't seen him yet in person.

Sam appeared at ten a.m., and surprisingly he looked cheery. Mind you, it would have taken a lot of beating to look worse than he did on the way back to the hotel, being sick- everywhere.

Everyone worked so hard during the day that it soon rolled into the night and into Tuesday- the day we were flying back to Singapore and stopping off for three nights. Daniel would only be there for one before flying solo back to Monoco for two nights, and then back to the UK where I'd join him again. We'd have four days there before back on the plane again to Malaysia. The jet-lag alarm bells were ringing.


On the Tuesday morning I was up early again with my case packed and passport to hand. I was going to miss Australia- and this hotel. They gave you way too many free biscuits each morning.

I met the crew down in the lobby, checked out and hopped on the minibus which would take us to the airport.


"Why do you get a better room than me, again?" Sam was complaining and not for the first time. He'd slept weirdly on the plane and was now negotiating a very sore neck, or so he kept telling me.

I looked out across the Singapore skyline for it was yet another breathtaking view.

"Because- actually, I don't know." It just so happened the communications team got the nicer rooms, although no way near as nice as some others.

I sat down on my bed, tired, and worn out again. I hadn't slept on the plane as I'd been wanting to get my work done there and then.

"What's up, Saskia?" Jones perched beside me and put his arm round my shoulders.

"Knackered. Gutted for the team, I guess." I shrugged. So much shit was flying through my head and I had Daniel to worry about too.

"We all are, but onwards." Sam smiled weakly. He winced as he jolted his neck.


"Daniel will get a podium again this season. Trust me." It felt strange Sam talking about Daniel in front of me. It shouldn't have done, but it did.

"I have no doubt about that." I turned to face him. I was jet-lagged but I really didn't care at this point anymore, "Sam." He grunted quietly. "I-"

"This is serious, isn't it. Go on, what is it?" He stared at me intensely, his voice thick.

"You know after Daniel and I took you- carried you back to your room on Sunday and you said..." I couldn't finish what I had to say as Sam cut me off.

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