Chapter Two: The day before

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"So, Saskia," a blonde guy asked me. I was still sat at a table with twenty or so guys of which I was trying desperately to learn their names. I however was the only female present and still felt out of place in my dress and heels...and makeup.

"Callum," Sam nudged me, whispering in my ear.

"Callum." I replied, my voice came out more confident than I was feeling on the inside.

"Looking forward to the season?" Callum continued.

"I am very much, though it's a whole new experience." I could have continued explaining my 25782 mixed feelings which I was experiencing but I didn't want to bore the poor guy. Plus he was easy on the eyes, just like most of the guys in the room. Focus Saskia.

I opened the lid of my salad and put the top of the packaging back onto Sam's tray. I lifted up a forkful of the lettuce and peppers and lifted them into my mouth. I was overjoyed for the chilli sauce drizzled over it. Diets sucked. It wasn't the fact I didn't like vegetables,it was the fact I was useless at resisting the temptation of, say, Doritos.

The team chatted away to me and included me somewhat into their conversation, although they were talking about how they'd managed to get their tyre changes down by another thousandth of a second and I got a little bit lost. Nonetheless, they were all friendly, genuine characters and I couldn't wait to spend more time with them.

The day ended at 5pm and I left the Factory in a relatively good mood, my prospects were certainly exciting and the travelling team that I had met so far had welcomed me. Bridget had phoned for a cab to take to me the station, this would now be a regular thing. Each time when going up to Milton Keynes a car would pick me up from the train station in the morning and take me back once I'd finished my day.

When arriving back in London after negotiating the tubes, I made some some dinner and sat up at my barstool to eat it. I made a few phone calls and informed my past work colleague, Joe,  that I'd be in tomorrow at Midday to collect all my belongings.

I went to bed that night dwelling on the decisions I'd made within a few weeks. My life was going to change drastically from now on- when in Melbourne I wasn't going to be able to 'pop' back home if I needed something. I couldn't have a normal 'holiday' with friends and family, I was going to be spending my 25th birthday in Canada (or so my itinerary told me). That meant huge sacrifices were going to be made but I was looking forward to what it all held, this was a job that I'd been dreaming of for as long as I could remember. I wasn't going to let a few negative thoughts ruin my hard work.

Not now.

"Mrs Riccardo!" Joe greeted me the next day in my to be old work space.

"Joe, I'm his Press Officer not his flipping wife." I replied shortly, although I did find it rather funny.

He held the door open for me and I walked into the office space, as vast as it was it always felt incredibly small with Joe and I sharing the room.

"His loss," he muttered and blinked heavily.

I turned around as he said this and punched him playfully on his left arm, the cheek!

I chucked my bag on what was my desk and sat down to begin the painful task of emptying all my drawers. Endless sheets of paper, stapler packets and pen lids were tossed into the bin. I had to change the black bin liner twice.

"I never knew I had so much crap in here!" I laughed.

Joe shrugged but the corner of his mouth lifted into a grin, he was on the phone trying to arrange something with the company's latest high end client.

"Go on then, Saskia, make your last round of tea for me..." Joe whined in a high voice. God he annoyed me but nevertheless was one of my closest friends in the city.

"Fine." I slumped off and returned a few moments later with two cups- one filled with tea for Joe, and coffee for me.

The two of us sat contently chatting through lunch break until our boss popped her head round the door.

"I just came to say good luck at Red Bull..." Helen stepped closer to me. "They're extremely lucky to have you, and if things don't work out then we'll always be thrilled to have you back."
She looked me directly in the eye, what she said stung and, what she had said caused water to well in them.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, it has meant a lot." I sighed but still tried my best to sound upbeat.

"Well then, I shall see you sometime in the future then." Helen paused. "Oh Joe, give Sas a hand taking out her stuff to the cab." And with that she swished her vibrant black hair over her should and walked off. I guess I'd miss her too.


Joe gave me a hand with all of my belongings out to a cab. The driver seemed thrilled to be waiting for a good ten minutes, watching the price on his meter climb higher whilst we said goodbye to each other. I'd be seeing him soon, the question was just when I could fit it in.

I left the office in the taxi and returned back to my flat, again having to make two runs to move my junk from the stationary black vehicle.

Today had been tough for I did love my job, it was just that I had an overwhelming feeling that this was just the beginning of something life changingly good.

Either that or I was still in shock from the cab price I had just forked out for. That was a downside to living in London.

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