Chapter Twenty Nine: Tasks

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We belted up and pulled out onto the smaller road that led onto the business park estate and then onto the main road, to take us to Daniel's rented apartment, that was leased to him when he was in the UK.

The Australian switched the air conditioning on for it was a humid evening in Milton Keynes. He pulled his shades from the crest of his collar and placed them over his eyes. He had one arm resting on the window, head half leant against it. He looked way too relaxed; however had a very happy expression plastered across his face.

"What are you planning on then?" I asked him as we pulled up to our second set of lights. Being in this town reminded me very much so of the Australian road system- very few roundabouts but instead thousands of bloody traffic lights to line the grid patterned streets.

"I thought you were meant to be deciding on what we did?" He smirked.

"Ah...a beauty night!" I said, joking. "I haven't had one of those in ages. I'm sure we can get hold of some face masks, nail varnish..."

Daniel burst out laughing. "I do need to go shopping though. I have an apple and some mouldy bread. That is it."

"I hope you realise that I was serious about the makeover thing."

"If you really want, you can get some of that shit," he grinned. "I need a razor."

I glanced at the new stubble that had appeared on his chin since yesterday. I personally preferred it like that. "I would like some food."

"You're cooking though."

I thought back to the TV appearance in Kuala Lumpur and sighed heavily. I couldn't cook to save my life. "Seriously, I have just sat here fantasising about one of your Italian delights!" I protested.

"My what now?!" His eyebrow rose above his shades. I hit him lightly on his arm (he was definitely tensing). "I need to get out of this bloody jumper."

I twisted one of the air vents round to face him so that the cold air was now directed at his chest.

"Stop moaning," I told him, he could have been driving topless for all I cared. In fact, that would have been rather excellent. A very nice sight.

As we drove further onto the outskirts, the already quiet roads became more and more sparse, and soon the Infiniti was the only vehicle in sight.

Without any warning, Daniel floored it down the piece of straight road. The engine roared as he downshifted the gears, leading me gripping onto my seat, with my head pushed back against the headrest. Talk about adrenaline.

"Fucking hell." I stuttered, secretly loving seeing the speedo hit ninety plus. My heart skipped a little faster as the houses whizzed by, the Australian still looked incredibly chilled out.

This was nothing compared to what being in his RB10 was like. A set of lights loomed and Ricciardo hit the brakes hard, flinging me forward as well as my phone. Professional Saskia told me to reprimand him, the other half of me told me to ignore it and have some fun.

"Yeah, the car works." He shrugged, smiling.

"Gathered!" I leant forward into the passenger foot well to pick up my mobile.

"Ah, sorry about that." He reached down for me, half taking his eyes off of the road.

"Daniel, eyes straight in front of you please." I gesticulated to the lights that had now turned green.

"Yup." He pushed his foot down again, steering left to the estate which I vaguely remembered from all those months ago. "Can you grab my keys?" He nodded towards the dashboard.

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