Chapter Twenty Seven: Confessions

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Writer's note: thank you as ever for all the support, its been a really difficult few days for F1 family and again I'd like wish the very best to Jules and the Bianchi Family at this time. I'm sure I can say that on the behalf of all of us we are praying that he makes a full recovery-

Thank you for reading, if you like it please don't forget to vote/ comment :)

I sat on the kitchenette worktop with my head rested against Daniel's for a few moment. Those moments were utter bliss. I could still hear my heart racing, and the butterflies were still haunting me, but I felt more alive than I had ever done so before.

The lighting in the space was dimmed but I could see his smile, a grin that spread almost from ear to ear.

I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling his soft dark brown curls against my skin. What did this mean for the both of us now? My feelings were definitely far too gone to pretend that this hadn't happened- wasn't happening- however much my professional side urged me to.

"You're thinking." Ricciardo spoke up, clearly noticing my raised eyebrows. A flicker of concern then emerged across his tanned face.

"I am." I replied, my voice was a tiny whisper.

"Saskia, you can go, you know?" He released the hold he had on my hand and placed it on my lap.

"I don't want to." He nodded as I spoke. It was as though he could hear the truth in my voice.

"Good, because I hadn't stayed semi sober all night for nothing."

I titled my head up and placed a kiss on his forehead before jumping down off of the surface.

"Obviously weren't sober when you did your wrapping." I muttered, laughing quietly to myself.

"Right that's it, get out." He chuckled, pointing towards the door.

"Nooo." I protested. "I do although need to use your bathroom."

I danced my way over to the toilet, the reason being I'd consumed many litres of fluid, and in all the anticipation my body had only just decided that now was the time that I had to go.

"Girls, hey!" Daniel then learnt back across the surface with his hands in his pockets. He looked happy, really happy.


I returned from using the bathroom moments later, wandering back to where I had been stood. I noticed that a mug had been left on the granite surface for me- I knew it was for me as I didn't take milk in my coffee... unless it was a latte. My coffee had to be strong, and in the recent months it was getting stronger.

Flicking my hair back away from my face I took another look around the reception space, mentally noting that the room décor would be the next choice for my flat. If I ever got time to do that.

"I'm in the bedroom if you want to come in." Daniel's Australian accent echoed around the area, giving me goosebumps.

I then with my mug of hot liquid made my way through the door that was pulled half shut to the left of where I had been standing, noticing that something caught my eye on the table as I went.

They were documents of some sort and had a line crossed through them. I took a closer look and on inspection they were flight details back to Heathrow; a flight that Daniel should have been on hours ago. The piece of paper next to it was scribbled on with his writing- new flight times were scrawled across the page. It was the one that I was flying back on.

I brushed them aside and walked into the bedroom revealing a king-sized bed and extensive views out over the body of water.

Daniel's suitcase was on the floor and he was placing items of clothing into it. He however now had a pair of black shorts on and was currently pulling an 'Alexis on Fire' t-shirt over his head. I couldn't help but take a sneaky look as momentarily his defined torso was on show.

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