Chapter Fifty Four: Getting On

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Thank you so much for 1k votes, never ever expected that to happen- so I hope you enjoy this.

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We had managed in Russia just like any other driver and their public relations officer- kept everything to the minimum. The new circuit in Sochi was otherwise exciting and Russia surprised me by all means, it was actually rather beautiful. Unlike the relentless windy weather in London.

London was cold. October had dawned and winter was on its way. The streets were less busy and everything seemed altogether more drowsy. In two days time I would be back on a plane and off to Austin, Texas. Daniel would already be there when I arrived- or so I thought.

Daniel was already out in America, with Paul and more surprisingly Sid. And I knew that because I was bleeding his personal assistant and I had booked his flights, and Supercross tickets. At least he had the audacity to ring me instead of asking through Lizzie. I guess time would hopefully be a healer. Who was I fooling?

Unintentionally (ish), I had been ignoring the occasional calls from the team principal although as his number flashed up on the screen of my Samsung once more, I knew that I probably should answer it. I mean things were pretty diabolical but, I didn't want to lose my job. Just yet.

Besides, I didn't know how much more wallowing I could possibly do. I hadn't shaved my legs in over a week- and that was when I knew that I had hit rock bottom.

"Hello?" I answered. I don't know why I bothered to sound so surprised. Of course I knew who the voice would be at the other end. It was just a tad irritating that he couldn't ring me through the office, instead of his personal number.

"Saskia, finally!" he exhaled, but thankfully didn't sound too pissed off. At the moment.

"Christian, what can I do for you?" I said a silent prayer and hoped that he wouldn't take my reply in the wrong way. We all knew what happened the last time we had said that.

"Well actually, I rang to let you know that you're on my flight tomorrow, Bridget changed your times."

Bugger. That meant I had to cancel my plans with my London amis, but not only that, it also meant enduring unnecessary time with Christian.

"Why didn't Bridget contact me?"

"Because I told her that I would ring you myself..." He paused and momentarily the line went quiet, probably a bit too quiet. I could hear him breathing. "So I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow morning- be ready for then, please."

"I..." Desperately I tried to process the information he was telling me. Why couldn't I just fly out the day later when I had originally planned to? Events didn't start until that evening anyway, and there wasn't exactly anything I wanted to do in Texas...other than sort the whole messy situation out. That however was near enough impossible.

"Did you listen to what I just said?"


"Saskia, are you on your laptop, I can hear whirring..."

"No." I lied and quickly shut the tab of the car website that I was looking at. I figured that it was about time I scraped together and bought myself a car- or in reality, half a car. It was going to be a struggle to afford even two doors and a wheel.

"Okay, so I'll see you at eight, tomorrow. I've got your tickets and stuff; you just need to book another night at the hotel which shouldn't be a problem." He continued to rattle off points whilst I scribbled the key details down. Why was he picking me up anyway? Plus, why wasn't Lizzie coming with us- she was his PA come PR after all.

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