Chapter Eleven: Cross Continent

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I urged to get up at eleven in order to have a quick chat with Daniel. In reality I wasn't in a state to do so but, I had to see the Australian off.

I jumped in the shower to try and cool myself down. I turned it to the coldest setting, yet still my skin felt like a blazing inferno. It was disgusting.

Sam was still asleep when I'd finished, and I was amazed that he'd slept through the commotion of me trying to function like a half normal person. Even walking was strenuous and I'd already done a lot of that by dashing to the toilet several times. And I mean several.

I quietly opened my hotel door, not wanting to scare Sam. I'd kept him up for half the night after all. It was too late though, he'd heard me leaving.

"Where are you going?" he muttered, very much still half asleep.

"Daniel's going now. I'll be back up in a minute."

"You sure it's wise going down there, you're miles from the toilet..."

"I'll be fine." I replied, and with that I sneaked out, with a carrier bag in my pocket just in case.

Downstairs, Daniel was waiting with Lauren who was snuggled into his shoulder sitting on the couch in reception, I guess Sam had been right. She was in Singapore too.

I then had a flashback to last night, I could have sworn that she wasn't present at Tom's meal. I was certain of it.

My eyes focused on Daniel as I approached- he looked happy and content with Lauren there, but I couldn't help but notice something didn't add up. I shrugged desperately to get the thought out of my head.

"Morning, Daniel. Lauren good to see you again!" I nodded, trying my best to smile.

The pair separated and stood up, Lauren pulling me in for a hug and doing so squeezed my stomach. Bloody hell, this wasn't good. I retreated rather quickly as Daniel lingered.

"Ready to go, then?" I asked breathing out slowly, yup the carrier bag wasn't needed just yet.

"Always." Daniel replied, of course he was ready for two days of doing nothing except spending it rather cosy with Lauren. Or so I thought...


Arriving back in the UK some fifty-six hours later was a wake up call for my system, starting with piling on two jumpers as soon as I stepped through the door of my flat with Sam by my side. We'd get a train up to Milton Keynes after I'd re-packed. There was no time for rest.

Sam was nice enough to offer me his spare room for the few nights we had in England to save me travelling four hours each day. Secretly, a small part of me hoped that the spare room wouldn't be where I was staying for the entire time I was at his. At least since Wednesday I had recovered from my illness, which was indeed food poisoning and I had learnt to go vegetarian abroad from now on.

"You look lovely today, I must say." I glared at Sam as he spoke, was he feeling okay?

"I have just been on a thirteen hour flight and haven't washed my hair in three days. Are you sure?"

"Positive." He came up behind me and held me around the waist, I turned my head to face his and was greeted with a gentle kiss on my lips. How I longed for the moment to last longer, it'd have to wait until later. We had another journey to make and another deadline to meet...


Sam's apartment on a small estate was warm and welcoming, despite the fact that it was only lived in thirty percent of the time. And immaculately tidy, especially for a guy.

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