Chapter Fifty Seven: Interlagos

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Brazil was incredibly humid, and São Paulo was hot.

As was Daniel now he'd got rid of the terrible facial hair after I had politely told him that it added ten years to his face. He then said that I couldn't resist an older man. The cheek.

I traipsed along the pavement, fanning myself with paperwork. Britta walked alongside me as Daniel and Sebastian chatted in front. It was our last Casio event of the season- with three days to go until the penultimate race of 2014. It was Sebastian's second to last with the team.

"How's it going with Daniel?" Britta glanced up from her phone and spoke in my direction. Just as the two drivers were trying out jumps with kicks to the side- not being bias...much, but Daniel was definitely better at it than Seb.

"He hasn't said anything too derogatory, nor tweeted anything too insane- so from that point of view, it's fine." I paused, thinking back to the first few races. "Although, everyone wants a word with him now, and at the start it wasn't quite a hectic as what it is now. Canada was the turning point, let's just say that."

The German laughed quietly to herself. "I was talking about you two in general, but okay."

"Oh!" I blushed and immediately a smile played on my lips. "It is good."

"You have gone unbelievably red, which tells me it is excellent." Britta grinned. She was however right, she had hit the nail on the head.

I gave her a sideward glance and picked up my Samsung which was chiming once more. I really dreaded to think what my phone bill was for this year. I had to have made at least a thousand international calls. Easy.

"Saaaaskia..." Daniel began with a lopsided grin sprawled across his lips. He was being incredibly like a twelve year old that day- of course he was just excited for the party on Sunday night that Lizzie had booked tickets for.

I shrugged, gesturing that I was on the phone and trying to liaise with German photographers.

"Sas..." he tried again. It being anywhere else I would have given him the finger, but as the sound of screaming fans became louder, I abruptly ended my call and handed him the packet of chewing-gum that was in my pocket. I take it that it was what he wanted, or at least I tried my best to decipher what he meant by his actions. Remind me never to be on the same charades team as him.

Indeed the chanting intensified dramatically as we neared the corner of the building and subsequently, hundreds of people came into sight- the noise was deafening. Just a tad louder than the V6's. Ha.

The four of us clustered closer together as overseas Red Bull representatives aided us in getting to inside the building safely. It was a task and a half to navigate our way through the sea of bodies which were screaming and throwing themselves literally at either of the pair.

Daniel raised his hand, giving a wave every so often as finally we made it into the shopping centre- a wave of relief swept over me...either that or it was the air conditioning. Either way I was not complaining, it also meant that I could replenish my bottle of water that Daniel had swiftly guzzled once leaving the track.

We reached the table in the middle of the mall in amongst all of the Casio products that had been moved from its store to the open space, which was now filled with thousands of people.

I pulled my wad of driver cards out and placed them on the table in front of Daniel. Putting his Edifice watch on, he was looking over a few notes for his speech.

"And so I'm sure you'll agree that it has an alright face, and the frame is really flexible- which is great." The Australian concluded his sentence screwing up his face and ceased pacing around the small square of space.

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