Chapter Fifty Six: Trophy

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I have no idea how it got to where it has or how she got in there but hey, crazy thought and I ended up sticking with it. Please let me know what you think:)

Things were okay, in fact more than okay. They were good. Until...

Morning had dawned; it had dawned several hours ago although I had only just woken from the best sleep in a long, long time. Albeit only being a few more hours after we had eventually settled. With no space between our bodies and our limbs entwined, his skin was warm and I couldn't help but wear a lopsided smile as he stirred and grinned.

"Go back to sleep." he murmured as I felt his muscles tensing, pulling my middle in closer to him. His touch on my back did anything but make me want to fall back asleep.

"Five a.m. was good." I replied, still very much contented and blissfully unaware that Daniel's phone was bleeping. "But if you insist."

I let a little yawn escape me as reluctantly he reached out and grabbed his new mobile off of the side where it was charging. I felt him tense up once more as he read the message that he had just received. Nevertheless, owning an iPhone 6 had sped up my bucket list.

"Sid." he sighed and rolled over so his hands were draped across my front. I could feel his knee caps resting against the back of mine.

"What about Sid?" I asked as his thumb ran in tiny circles over part of my scar on my stomach. My new weakness.

He paused but I could hear him exhaling heavily. His feet shifted position- he was thinking.

"I would quite like to know." I tried again, twisting my body round to face him. He was smiling but immediately I knew that it was forced. We had told each other no secrets, unless it being to do with Christmas of course...

"I'm going to tell you now and then you can decide what to do. Just please don't freak out. Too much." Daniel nodded, felt for my hand and gave it a squeeze.

Bugger me. What was going on with Sid anyway?

Five days later, an Infiniti event down, Daniel's hideous beard trimmed once more and a lot of catching up done- it was time for the U.S. Grand Prix.

I stood at the back of the garage next to Paul, my headset was on and there was a camera lens centimetres in front of me. And by that, I meant millimetres.

Paul looked across to me and smirked as I tried to hold in my giggle. Why the viewers at home would want to see my sunburnt face I did not know. Especially when there were eighteen cars racing around one of the best circuits in the world.

I as subtly as possible tried to blow the wisp of hair away that had slipped down in front of my eyes. Today it was free to be its crazy windswept pile of shit. A mistake, considering I had been running around the paddock since eight a.m..Fun times.

I gave up and scraped it away from my face completely. It was far too hot for this...and Matt Le Blanc was standing inches away. If things weren't happening on track then I probably would have accidentally ended up doing my Joey impression in front of him. And no one wanted to endure that.

The race had been exciting so far, and even better knowing that Daniel was in the right position for a podium finish.

The team got ready for the car to make its final pit stop and Paul led me out to the front of the garage so I could watch the tyre change take place first hand. The pits at the Circuit of the Americans were extremely wide, and I was lucky enough to watch the transition take place just feet away.

Paul stood next to me, his towering figure almost acting as a barrier in case there was an incident with a rogue tyre flying off or something. I smirked knowing that Daniel would have insisted that Paul wasn't to move from the spot. I had distinctly heard his instructions on the way to the track that morning.

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