Chapter Twenty: Contrast

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I could hear the V6 engines racing by as the laps counted down, but then the roar would quieten every few breaths as the cars ran off into the distance, navigating the circuit. Anticipation arose in my body; this was my favourite time of the week. I was still meant to be working and I was...just paying attention to the garage life and the screens dotted around.

The Mercedes' boys were running way out in front and Daniel was some forty seconds behind them and, Sebastian twenty or so seconds behind that. With a lap to go it looked as if Daniel was going to score his first official Formula 1 podium, and this time it wouldn't be taken away.

Cheering erupted as Lewis Hamilton crossed the line barely in front of his German teammate. It was another great battle from the both of them.

Meanwhile, in the Red Bull garage, we were given the go ahead to run to the podium area where Ricciardo would get out of the car and celebrate. Aussie style. Some of the team instead on legging it to the pit line fence to greet him first off and wave him across the line, but I held back and made my way to where Red Bull uniformed bodies were standing.

I was overjoyed, smiling from ear to ear. Daniel had finished third- it was an incredible result and I for one couldn't believe it. I was engulfed in various members of the team, cheering, singing, hugging, crying- you name it, it was happening. The Australian had converted his grid position to his race result and I couldn't have been more thrilled for him.

"YES, SASKIA!" Sam managed to work his way over. I couldn't tell whether or not he was crying with elation, or just extremely sweaty- it probably was a mixture of both. He was responsible for directing the rapid pit stops, which all played a part in the podium finish.

"I know, your stops were on fire today!" I replied, pulling him in for a tight hug. Callum and some others approached and the same thing happened. I loved this feeling.

At last Daniel pulled up and got out, carefully removing the steering wheel, as mechanics, engineers, and the whole pit crew and what not lined the barrier, pushing further and further forward.

Noise and cheers erupted into the cramped space. Daniel fist pumped the air and ran over with his helmet on, each member of the team frantically leaning forward to slap him on the back and congratulate him. Sam who was stood slightly in front of me leaned forward to complete this process before I did so.

"Well done, mate." I could hear him say.

It was then my turn and I had a few microseconds to praise Ricciardo. I leant forward, hauling myself past a Mercedes engineer. I probably should have apologised but I wasn't thinking about that at that moment in time. Daniel reached for my arm and I wrapped him in a hug. I was sure I could see his huge grin through his helmet.

"You deserved that." I told him and he got ushered off to the scales to be weighed. It felt as if electricity was running through my veins, with excitement and relief. I was buzzing. And shaking. And feeling like I had just won the lottery, third place or not- this was a massively big deal.

In the moments before the three boys stepped out onto the podium, things calmed down just a bit, although conversations were still happening in all directions. In the midst of it all I gingerly made my way over to the edge of the crowd in order to make life easier when I had to take Daniel to the press conference. I was still amongst the team, except it was just less manic and gave me time to cool down a touch.

The clamour was sensational as Daniel was handed his trophy. He kissed it and held it up- pointing and grinning like I'd never seen him do so before. The process of anthems had played out beforehand and it was onto the champagne. I chuckled to myself as Daniel drenched Lewis and Nico before turning his attention to the Red Bull team and the people below him. I saw him searching in the area where I had been stood looking for something- someone, but after a fraction of an instance turned as Lewis soaked him, pouring the bottle of liquid over his face.

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