Chapter Twenty Six: Montreal

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Writer's note: before you read this, I would just like to say how much my thoughts and prayres are with Jules' family and friends, I hope that he'll make a full recovery and that we'll see his smile again soon after what has been a horrible day.

I hope that you like this chapter (my longest yet) please let me know what you think by voting or commenting x

"Anyway," Daniel straightened his jacket down. "I did originally come to help you, but uh..." Another grin spread across his face, his eyes were shining and not just from the win.

"And you call that helping?" I chanced it by smirking.

"Well," he blushed. "I suppose."

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh, the situation wasn't awkward at all- in fact I wouldn't mind it happening again, and again. He said that he'd wanted to do that for a long time, just how long had that been?


"No, but can you please just shut up before I do something I shouldn't, again." His eyes continued to dance. His gaze still followed mine and I knew that something had changed.

All the little hints and signals that I'd desperately been trying to ignore, not wanting to read more into it than what it actually was, had suddenly fit together to form a mini jigsaw in my head.

Who was I kidding? I fancied the bloody pants of him.

I had tried to ignore that too , but it was no good, my mind wasn't complying with me. Even when Sam and I were still a thing, but maybe it was because Daniel and I got on so well. There was never an awkward pause nor a moment where we weren't laughing, however when we had to be serious in the work place we were..ish. Simple.

"Forever the romantic, Mr Ricciardo." I brushed his arm unintentionally, on the way to grab what I was originally taking out to the minibus. This caused his eyes to drift to the floor, Malaysia sprung to my mind and judging by his reaction, it had occurred to him too. That was when it had all started.

We walked side by side to the minibus where I shoved my stuff in and signaled for the driver that I was the only one waiting.

Daniel gave a quick smile and went off in search for Paul so they could head back to the hotel too. I sat quietly, not bothering to look at my mobile. I let a smile sneak across my face as the minibus driver looked at me in his rear view mirror. I couldn't help but notice how unbelievably happy I was feeling.

"Great result today." he spoke.

"Double podium? Couldn't be better." It wasn't only the podium that had gotten me all worked up...


Back in my suite I had sworn to myself that I wouldn't breathe a word of what happened to Lizzie. I hadn't even told her what had happened first time around, and I couldn't tell her just yet.

Noticing that it was nine pm I rushed to get ready, throwing minimal makeup on and grabbing a dress from the walk-in wardrobe, I could easily get used to having one of those wherever I went.

I attempted to tame my hair and put on my shoes, after Monaco they had become a little worse for wear. I sighed, my parents had sent me some money for my birthday but I couldn't possibly waste it on a pair of heels.

At nine-thirty Lizzie knocked on my door. Opening it revealed her looking stunning as always.

"You look fab," she immediately chirped, taking a step back to observe my image.

"Thanks. So do you."

"Give over. Come on we'd better go." She pulled my arm, giving me enough time to grab my evening bag which only consisted of five items: phone, room key, purse, lip-gloss and tissues. All the essentials.

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