Chapter Thirty Nine: That feeling

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(The image above is the exact view that you're actually met with, something that I still find amazing- not that this is particularly relevant but hey. I hope you like the song too).

By Tuesday morning I was back at my apartment in London. Only this time, Daniel was with me helping me pack for the next few weeks. I was more than relieved that I had cleaned the whole place before Germany.

Although it would be jumper and cardigan weather in Sydney, in Perth it would hopefully be ten degrees above that.

We were due to leave in just over an hour, for Paul was going to run us to the airport as he had a training morning in the city- something to do with new breakfast vitamin drinks. No doubt I would be trailing one of those in the next few months whether I liked it or not. All perks of the job, hey!

My final pieces of clothing were going in the case as my laptop (that Ricciardo had been on for some unknown reason, trying to print a map of something off) began to flash.

And so my parents were the latest people obsessed with Skype, or so it seemed. I chuckled to myself; I had Lizzie to blame for this. Now my Mum and Dad were never content at just having a normal phone call.

I ran over and pressed the accept button. Mum was knitting what appeared to be another blanket and my Dad had his head in the paper, grumbling to himself about British politics.

"Oo Saskia has picked up, look!" I could hear my Mum getting excited. "I can't see her though...Saskia?"

"Mum, I'm here. I can see you." I said, waving my hands around in front of the screen.

"Sandra, you've got the bloody tab closed..." my dad was now joining in. I thanked the Lord that he at least knew how to use technology to a certain extent.

The conversation went on until I had to break it to them that I wouldn't be seeing them until Spa. Bridget had insisted on getting them tickets after they enjoyed themselves so much at Silverstone. I twiddled my thumbs not quite knowing how I was going to announce the news.

"And have you got your dress sorted? You know you can't go in a Spider-Man costume like you did to Steve's?" Mum laughed, reminiscing.

Daniel who was still studying something sniggered loudly, and at one point I didn't think that he was going to stop.

"Right, first of all I was seven." I protested.

"Was that you laughing Saskia? You sounded very deep on the line then..."

Daniel hopped over to the screen, peering over my shoulder and waved. Both of my parents' faces lit up simultaneously.

"Daniel, what a lovely surprise!" Christ there was going to be no shutting them up now.

"Mr and Mrs White, good to...uh, see you." the Aussie chirped. I hoped that my eyes were deceiving me and that he hadn't in fact pulled a chair up next to me. He was brave putting himself through his, incredibly brave.

My Dad congratulated him on the sensational win and they got chatting about how Red Bull had changed since Dad was there.

After a while I was growing conscious of the time, and Daniel noticed this and so instead of me tiptoeing round about not going to my heavily pregnant cousin's wedding (who I loved dearly), did the honours for me.

"Mr White, there was something I wanted to ask you." Fucking hell, the way he said it made it sound like he was going to say something entirely different.

"Of course." My Dad looked up from his paper that he now balanced on his lap.

Daniel suddenly looked very, very shy. "I'm going home to see my family back home and I asked Saskia to come with me..."

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