Chapter Fifty Nine: The Factory

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Hope you enjoy this chapter, just about drawing everything into a close. Only Abu Dhabi to go so please make sure you hit the vote button :)

I've also published my first chapter of 'Lifeline' so make sure you give that a quick read if you like this or lacellak work as they're parallel stories. Again, I hope you like it!

I couldn't even begin to comprehend just how fast our time in Cornwall went by, and if I'm honest, it was over far too quickly.

Goodbyes were said to Mum, Sara, Olivia and begrudgingly Jasper, before Dad drove us to the train station.

Looking back on it there hadn't been so much of a moment of silence in the past three days. Both excitement and happiness fuelled our sense of ready minds. The following evening it was straight to the airport, after Daniel had spent a day in the simulator and I had got every finer detail planned for Abu Dhabi. It had been a long time coming.

The conversation in Dad's Audi drew to a close as we had arrived at the drop off point. Unsurprisingly it was raining outside.

"Well, I won't get out." Dad twisted around in his seat. "But good luck with everything Daniel, you've done well all season, mate."

Daniel laughed and nodded. "Thank you for having us, it's a shame Milton Keynes isn't a bit more like it is here, nor a tad closer."

"I know..." Dad paused, not a good sign. "And if you can take out Nico this weekend then..."

"Right, that's enough." I interrupted- my PR side was definitely coming into play. "I shall see you soon, Dad."

"See you later, Saskia, we'll be watching every minute of it." Dad smiled, but it was more subdued. I didn't even know what I was doing for Christmas yet.

I opened the passenger door before getting the case out of the boot, capturing a bit of the conversation, which was still happening inside the vehicle.

"Sure, I left the flight times on the fridge." Daniel stated. My heart raced. Flight times for what?

"Hopefully it should stay warm." Dad replied before goodbyes were said and the Australian joined me. The case was still in the boot.


A train journey, several tube stops and changes later, my building finally came into sight. Yet the building wasn't the first thing that I noticed.

"Must be the neighbours," Daniel coyly said as he struggled with the case. Mum had insisted on offloading a load of bits and pieces with us. Including crockery. "Although eighty year old Mary didn't strike me as that kinda lady..."

"Eighty-one, but well tried." I glanced up at him but he was looking far too pleased with himself.

"Yeah, whatever." He pulled my hand as he peered into the window of the car. "Hold up, this is strangely familiar..."

"And so it is." I remarked, noticing the CD on the dashboard, and the packet of chewing-gum. And belt.

"Yeah! He stood back a bit. I did too, it was definitely his Range Rover from Monaco parked outside my flat. In my one available parking space.

"And what is wrong with your Infiniti?" I asked, suddenly sneezing. It was freezing and fast approaching dusk.

"Nothing, just I thought we needed something to get to the Infiniti." He shrugged but his eyes were glinting.

"Do I get to drive?"

"Well, considering you're the main one on the policy now, it's been taxed in your name and I'm not having it transported back to France..."

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