61: A Big Thank You

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Yes, a whole part for me to waffle on...but hold on with me guys, I'll be as quick as I can. Promise.

First of all, the picture above is what I picture Saskia and Lizzie to look like- Paul is based on Daniel's actual trainer: Stu, so I'm sure we all know how good looking he is, playing Paul.

In all honesty, I was a bit skeptical about sharing how I feel the main characters look, when I'm sure you've all built pictures in your minds of how they look and sound. Saskia has never really been properly described for it is written in first person and well, I guess we read it as if we were her. Guilty/not guilty?

The past four months writing this have been exciting, to watch not only your reactions but to let my imagination wonder. Having to juggle exams, full time education, a part-time job as well as many hours of dance can be extremely tricky. Nonetheless I hope you have enjoyed reading just half as much as I have enjoyed typing.

Now I know every single part is littered with mistakes, missing words, punctuation fuck ups- the list goes on. I will go back and correct it all when my laptop decides to work, typing it all on a hand held device has been challenging.

There's been parts of the story that I wish I could have developed further, the whole Christian thing was on the top of my list but that all came to an abrupt end after your reactions...*queue awkward laugh*. As well as the whole 'Malaysia' thing...

The whole aim of this was to convey a job which, let's face it, the majority of us would love to have and I haven't taken the day to day tasks out of context. I guess I just hoped that it could seem realistic for a fanfic, with the impression that it could all happen to one lucky person.

Anyway, I need to stop rambling as you've probably skipped this all already, which isn't doing my statistics any favours.

Oo, there's a point actually, in the beginning I was uploading purely so I didn't fill the 'notes' section up on my phone, but I never imagined 20k reads and 1k votes. I know it's not fantastic, but thank you for reading my pile of shi-

I've tangent-ed again, désolé! As I was originally going to say, just a MASSIVE thank you for those that have put up with my waffle and a special thank you to those below, you've really made me smile:

lacellak you have been incredible throughout, considering Fifth Light was admittedly my little world when I discovered it on holiday. I can't wait to get going properly with Lifeline!
Twentysomething again, another incredible writer who has really made me chuckle, thank you.

There's so many more too...

Something which makes me grin a lot, is all of the international readers whose first or second language even, isn't English and they still take the time to read and comment, so thanks!

Okay, this is enough of me boring you- just a huge thank you once again...

The final chapter is half written from Daniel's point of view to try something totally different and the other half is in Saskia's present tense.

The whole story has been written as if being told from the final moment, hence ridiculous amounts of italics I have used along the way, oops.

Anyway, I hope you like it as it was a challenge to write but I do feel somewhat satisfied that it's complete.

Please, please, please do vote and comment- it is the final part after all and it would make the hours of work worthwhile. I'd love to know your thoughts on the story as a whole too!

So, scroll on and and thank you...

Oh wait, I was meaning to ask if anyone wanted a Christmas/ New Year special- I would be more than happy to pen one but its up to you guys, I have an idea up my sleeve (coat, it's freezing).

And the song in the next chapter is my absolute favourite...

Anyway, here goes:

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