Chapter Twelve: Damage limitations

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Between Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon I barely had time to think. Saying that I was busy was most certainly an understatement.

I'd answered well over five-hundred emails and almost half as many phone calls. I'd taken Daniel to two sponsorship evening meals and watched nervously whilst he attempted to make a traditional Malaysian dish. Thankfully, he didn't burn the studio down (although the presenter did have to step in at one point).

I'd had lunch with Sam on Friday and was taking five before qualifying, when I'd united with Daniel again, half an hour before he headed out onto track.

"Daniel, ready?"

"Always." He grinned, holding a bottle of water in his hand and taking occasional swigs. I could see the excitement that flashed across his face as he thought about jumping into the car.

"What time are you needing me later?" He winked and his expression this time changed to one that was rather mischievous. Luckily, I knew what he was on about.

"Well, that all depends on your qualifying." I joked.

"No pressure then, Sas. Cheers." He smirked, again. It was slowly killing me that grin of his.

"Don't worry about it. I'll meet you in the garage." I paused. "Good luck, Daniel."

He looked back at me then glanced to the floor and shook his head. He only stood alone momentarily before he was engulfed by various technicians and engineers.


Another strong qualifying session was set in stone for Ricciardo and he was fairly delighted with his fifth place. I met him as per after his quick debriefs with the crew. We chatted and made our way over to the media circle for questioning to begin. I followed the routine that I'd quickly picked up and was becoming used to. Today was no different to Melbourne's set up and so we breezed through the process.

From there we ventured to the far corner of the paddock where hundreds of fans had gathered- it was a sea of Red Bull merchandise. There was an enormous roar as soon as Daniel approached. We picked our place where security had positioned themselves, and stood around for twenty or so minutes signing and taking photos with as many fans as possible.

I kept a close eye on things as people of all ages waited patiently to spend not even ten seconds with the Red Bull newbie. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the looks on their faces as they walked away. The results were a mixture of pure shock, elation and damn right happiness.

As much as I didn't want to, I had to pull Daniel away at half-past four for I was aware he had a meeting with his strategist. That meant that I was free to go back to the hotel and join the others.

I walked back through the media centre and caught up with some of the other management staff. Lizzie, from Christian's team, was the first to greet me. God, it was humid waiting for our transport to pick us up.

"So, how are you finding it?" She smiled, genuinely. The tallish blonde was friendly and she could always be heard laughing.

"Very good, tiring but everything so far, touch wood, is great." I looked around frantically realising that outside the media centre, at a very modern race circuit, there wasn't going to be any wood. Bummer.

"Everyone has been praising your work, honestly. Even Christian after last night's event." she continued.

I was taken back. I'd been trying my best but I didn't think I was worthy of that. I searched her expression to see if she was just being polite but I couldn't see any signs of her lying.

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