Chapter Twenty Eight: Ignition

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I momentarily zoned out as my case was ticketed and put onto the conveyer belt, ready to begin its journey to the aircraft.

Sebastian, who stood behind me, sniggered as he caught site of my passport photo taken some five years ago. I did in all fairness look bloody awful in the image. Daniel pretended not to see but I saw the look of amusement in his eye as he peered over my shoulder to see what Vettel was laughing at.

"Watch it." I turned around and spoke to the German, being handed my boarding pass by the check-in girl at the same time. She looked very rushed off her feet, and wondering why everyone was suddenly crowded by the desk (obviously unaware of just whom she was dealing with).

I thanked her and Sebastian stepped up, hoisting his luggage up to be weighed. Usually we travelled back separately, or at least Daniel and Sebastian did, but as we had a team meeting in Milton Keynes on the Tuesday, so this time we flew back together. Paul was also normally present with Daniel but he was at the garage, helping the guys as they were a member down.

I stood out of the way, to the side- watching as Daniel signed numerous people's phone cases and what not. So much for being inconspicuous by not wearing team uniform!

I held his phone as he posed for a photo. He finished as the male walked off in the direction of the security gates.

"We're going to have to keep it to a minimum until we reach the departure area." I told him. As much as I hated limiting photos and interaction with fans, with less than an hour before we boarded our flight, I knew that I would have to do so if we wanted to make it on time.

He nodded, making the brush on my hand last slightly longer as I returned his mobile back to him. I gave him a look, rolling my eyes. This was work.

"This is pretty funny to watch." Lizzie nudged Daniel and I.

Christian lingered at the back of the group, surveying the area and taking another phone call for it was Monday at the office. He should have been back there already but cancelled his flight due to the celebrations. Lizzie then pointed at Sebastian, Britta and the check-in girl (who was becoming increasing flustered by the second).

"Yeah I know, I don't know why these people keep staring at me." Sebastian spoke with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Obviously of some interest to them, sir." The girl laughed back. She still wasn't getting this. At all.

"Yeah, all I do is model...naked." The girl scoffed, and Britta covered her eyes with her papers. I could see that she was doing her best not to laugh. "No, I'm only kidding. I don't y'know, have the correct requirement. I'm too good."

"Right..." She looked at Sebastian's passport. Her manner was even more disinterested than what it had been to begin with. "Gate closes soon."

"Yeah, thanks." Sebastian looked set to join the rest of us but paused. "Oh, by the way, I race in Formula 1, it's a good sport. Maybe you should check it out?" His eyes lit up while Britta now looked as if she was going to have a fit.

"Could have been worse I suppose." the fellow German said, shrugging and leading the group towards the security screening area.


"No, what I am saying is Daniel, is that if Paul somehow found out about you having another portion of chips then...then I don't think you'd make the Austrian Grand Prix." I placed my hands on my hips, excepting the measly one piece change from my bottle of water.

"But Paul wouldn't have to find out."

"Daniel, you are missing the point." I shoved a celery stick into his mouth to shut him up instead.

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