Chapter Six: The beginning

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Daniel performed extremely well, the interview went even better than I had hoped and so it wasn't a surprise that I was smiling away like an excited school girl.

For my own purposes as well as Red Bull's, I recorded what was said on my hand held device, my new favourite gadget. Again, another school girl moment. I was just waiting in the reception area, emailing Rebecca on our progress, when Daniel appeared from being spruced up.

"Ah, you look a million dollars, Daniel." I sneaked a long look at the Australian. My stomach flipped and the pace of my heart quickened. Nah, just the apprehension surrounding first day nerves.

"They sure put a million dollars worth of stuff on me." He chucked and smiled. Again. He walked over and took the tub chair beside me, sinking into it.

"I got told they're still setting up, they won't be too long." This was a bit of a lie, they said they were almost ready ten minutes ago. "That interview was awesome by the way." I couldn't help but look smug.

"Thanks, your pointers were good this morning, I forgot to say." Ready three, two, one- there was that smile.


I thoroughly enjoyed watching Daniel during the photo shoot. Although not a natural 'poser' he wasn't shy of the lens, let's just say that. Some great shots were taken for their four page spread of him of which included photos of him in a suit. How I looked forward to seeing how it turned out next week. Job one, done.

On the way out Daniel asked if I wanted to grab a coffee but I politely declined as I'd drunk three whilst waiting. They were complimentary, I couldn't refuse. I did however offer to get Daniel one, which he too declined and said he'd had two whilst waiting...

The car picked us up and we began the haul back to Milton Keynes. I thought Daniel was just being taught when talking this morning about me coming cross fit with him but, he wasn't.

Instead of returning to London I popped into my office at Milton Keynes and picked up some spare gym kit they had. Luckily enough it fitted me okay and I looked passable to venture out with a racing driver and his personal trainer. Well...

With the way Daniel was talking I'd look a wreck by the time I'd finished anyway. We waited around inside and Paul picked us up, strong, muscular- the gym had to be his favourite place.


The days between Sunday and early Wednesday morning were frantic. I barely had time to pack, I was running around like a mad woman up until the car bibbed it's horn for a second time. I'd arranged a number of interviews for BBC, Sky and an Australian channel: ABC, with two weekends until the first race everyone wanted to get a word with Daniel.

With my suitcase and bag I locked my flat up and walked out to the pavement. 5am was too early. I was travelling out with the senior management, drivers and principals, as well as the communications team. Sebastian, Daniel and Christian etc, were sitting in first class. I and and any PA were in economy. At least we weren't flying Ryanair (not that they flew to Bahrain, anyway).

Monday had seen a long meeting. Everyone on the travelling team was present, it was interesting and finally my back was improving.

After Daniel and I went to the gym with Paul, they had insisted that I went to a doctor. I did so and I was prescribed strong pain killers and would have a course of therapy when I had time.

Zoning back in from thinking about Bahrain plans, I was the only one travelling in the car to the airport, so it was the driver and I filling the time with small talk the whole way. If things continued like this I needed to move up to Milton Keynes.

The car drew up at the bustling Heathrow terminal a while later and, with my bags, I got out the vehicle and made my way inside the building, searching for a familiar face. I began to walk over to the big computer display screens that indicated your check-in desk letter.

"Saskia." I recognised that Aussie accent within a split second.

"Riccardo." I nodded, smiling at him.

I spotted Sebastian and Christian standing around looking to be in deep conversation by the flight check-in. Their assistants were standing by them. I recognised one to be Britta but I didn't know who the other two were.

"Oh, I've got this for you." I reached into my bag and pulled out a copy of the magazine to give to Daniel.

"Yeah, I'd like to have a look at that, thanks." I handed it over to him as he spoke, raising his eyebrows at me.

"There's some nice words in there." I grinned. He did too.

"So not when I started talking about wombats?"

"Weirdly, no." I laughed. "We'd better go and check in...I don't fancy running to the gate."

"Sure, is your back better?" A look of concern flickered across his eyes. It was touching that he cared, not that he needed to.

"It's getting there. Your doctor gave me some strong stuff." I laughed.

"Yeah well, Paul was worried. Here, let me take your case." He reached past and took it out of my hand.

"No it's fine really-" I tried to stop him.

"I'd rather take your case than carry you." The cheek. Luckily for him, the drivers, Adrian and Christian had a designated bag carrier. Exciting, right?

He took my case and made sure he walked to my slower than usual pace. We checked in and proceeded to security, we'd lost the others so it was just the two of us.

I took the time to fill Daniel in on his schedule and trying not to dwell on the long flight. It was strange, I'd known him for a week end already we were making jokes to one another. He was incredibly easy to get on with and passionate about what he did. He wanted to do well and tried his hardest cooperating with the team. And don't even get me started with his Australian charm.

At the flight gate I said goodbye to him and I went and joined the communications team. Britta greeted me and I shook her hand, she then introduced me to Christian's team- Lizzie and Zoe and two other girls that were general management for other executive members, including Adrian Newey. We got chatting immediately and settled into the flight, in 5 1/2 hours time we'd be in a totally different climate and I was ready to face a totally different situation.


The weather was stifling in Bahrain, the humidity hit me as soon as we stepped out of the airport. It was too hot to be walking around chasing after people.

The media attention was already rising, everyone wanted to talk to the new Red Bull driver, as did everyone in the street. Daniel was becoming increasingly recognised, even more so than at Toro Rosso. He didn't seem to mind though, he smiled for each and every photo. His cheeks must have been killing.

The weekend passed and testing was hectic, some of the guys were down as this season's car was far behind the Mercedes. There'd been so many rules and regulation changes that the Renault power system simply wasn't delivering. They'd completed less than ten laps throughout the weekend- fairly dismal.

Daniel was optimistic though, as he knew he had a great team behind him and they were working their fingers to the bone to try and improve the systems.

On another note, staying in a hotel was fun, quiet at times but that allowed me to catch up on much needed rest.

On the plane on the way back I was reunited with Sam, we chatted non-stop for hours and agreed for him to take me out when we were in Melbourne.

Overall Daniel was happy so I was happy, he told me that he was excited and I quote 'can't wait to get the hell in the car in Melbourne' and to 'have a decent Aussie beer' ...bless him. I couldn't wait either.

Ten days to go, ten days until it was lights out.

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